Zopa Bank Chat

Very wise. Their CS is poor.


I’m just using it for lunches and just moved my subscriptions over to the card now.
I use the regular saver and the cash isa as well and opened the credit card but the limit was really low so not much use to me

Anyidea when the account will opened to everyone??

No idea yet but it is quite a solid account for what it does.
Standing orders are currently being worked on as that functionality is still unavailable yet.

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Slight update to the home screen, the green part of the top has now been replaced ;

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I have about 4 closed smart savings hubs on the home screen and they won’t remove them. :rofl: So it looks a right mess.

I’ve also had this though no idea why I would want to use it.

Is that just Android? iPhone seems to look… nicer?


Seems to be. Don’t think I like your name being at the top with massive font though. :joy:

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I don’t mind it really

My name is at least NOT IN CAPS.


Thats what it used to look like for me on Android too until the update that dropped today!

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I’ll give you the capitals but I still think it looks broadly nicer than the Android one.

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Completely agree with you… bit too much wasted space on the android version now than before!

Oh dear. They heard me.


So I’ve bit the bullet… and arranged for my salary to be paid in this month.
I’m paid on the 27th so I shall keep you all posted on the process :slight_smile:


Seems like a bad idea considering the email screenshot above saying don’t rely on us yet but I know you love being on the cutting edge of fintech :rofl:


To be fair thay does look like an older email as it says you cant get your salary paid in yet :slight_smile:

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