Your 31 most-asked questions about Monzo, answered

We looked at what Monzo questions people where searching for on Google and we decided that we would write a blog post answering every single one. Hope it is helpful!


I see you’ve edited the post to add the direct link - I’ll delete my direct link post to save e-space!

A bit selective on the “why is monzo” there :smile:. “Why is monzo bad/terrible” A missed opportunity to acknowledge the terrible customer support and how you’re rectifying it.

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Reads subject line…

Your 31 most-asked questions about Monzo, answered

Looks at the article:

Your 32 most-asked questions about Monzo, answered

Spots the difference… :wink:


The IFTTT email I got for the blog said 32 so I guess there has been a late withdrawal!