Receive 40+ Currencies via SWIFT using Monzo 
Hey everyone,
I’m Kai, an Analyst in our International Payments Squad. We’re focused on improving our international payments and cross currency services at Monzo.
Early in 2023 Monzo launched inbound Euros over SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area), allowing you to receive Euro payments over SEPA using your Monzo account IBAN.
We’re really excited to now share that we support receiving international SWIFT payments in 40+ currencies for all customers, including businesses. If you can’t spot this in your app, make sure you’ve got the newest version of the Monzo app.
The details:
You can use your Monzo account IBAN to receive payments internationally over SWIFT, these can be sent in GBP or our other accepted currencies
You can find your IBAN on the Manage account screen of your Monzo app, next to your other account details like sort code and account number.
We’ll convert any funds we receive in accepted currencies into GBP for you, we’ll charge a 1% conversion fee, with a fee cap of £1,000 per transaction. We won’t charge you any fees for payments received in GBP.
For example if you receive a payment in US Dollars worth £100, we’d take £1 and you’d get £99. If you were to receive a payment in a non GBP currency worth over £100,000 the fee won’t be any higher than £1,000.
The fee only applies if we’re converting currency for you, if we’re receiving a payment for you in GBP, we won’t charge you any conversion fees or transaction fees, we’ll give you exactly what we’ve received.
We suggest checking with the sender to see whether the exchange rate we give would work out cheaper to determine whether your payment should be converted by the sender and sent in GBP or the local currency of the region it’s being sent from.
The exchange rate we give will be the live market rate
This is the true market rate for currency exchange without any markup and is typically the rate you will see online when searching for an exchange rate.
The exchange rate for your payment will be determined on the date and time we receive your funds and we will always show you the rate you’ve received on your transaction.
We’re actively working on improving and introducing new international payments and cross currency products for our customers and I’m keen to hear any feedback on what you’d like to see next.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I’d be happy to answer them for you!