XERO not syncing. Poor support from Monzo

Our integration with XERO hasn’t been syncing since Feb 27.

Support have said there is an issue with a small number of accounts and they are working on a fix. Timeline of 2-3 weeks was given, 8 weeks have now passed.

I’ve had a terrible experience with support via chat. Including having to explain the issue to multiple representatives. Frequently getting stock answers. No updates being provided. It would be super useful if support provided ticket / case numbers (I asked a few times for this and been ignored, so assume they aren’t used). It would also be great to have a single point of contact, eg account manager. I’d be happy to pay extra for this.

Tried uninstalling the app, disconnecting and re connecting XERO.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I might get this resolved more quickly? Or at least get some substantial updates?


You can try logging a complaint and that will hopefully mean someone competent will have a look at it.

Another product I use at work had big Xero syncing issues too but they fixed it within the past month or so maybe the Xero API isn’t great and they are waiting on Xero to fix, or they haven’t got round to fixing the issue after Xero finally fixed it.

Do you have other products syncing to Xero and do they work?
I would try Xero support also and have a few goes at getting someone to try ‘something’

Can you try work out what you do differently to fall into that’s ‘small number’?

After a reconnect to Xero;
Maybe try a new range of numbering for your invoicing if monzo let you change that?

Create an invoice on the web Vs app?


Just had a look, the issue at work was announced as fixed on the 1st of March with some users then reporting new issues, it could potentially be Xero tried fixing one issue and created the issue you starting experiencing then, and ultimately Monzo have to wait for Xero but their communication it’s obviously subpar.

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Hey, thanks for the replies :pray:

I’ve a few accounts with different banks that are still syncing with XERO. Great point re contacting XERO support. I kinda decided it was a Monzo issue so didn’t think about XERO support but definitely worth a shot at this stage so will do on Monday.
Very interesting to know there was a recent issue, could definitely be a hangover from that.

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People often think this with customer service - ‘why can’t I just speak to one person’ but it is much less desirable than you think. Real people have evenings, weekends, holidays / leave or just move companies. It might sound good for this issue but in most customer service situations it would be rubbish.

Yeah totally agree in situations where an urgent response is needed it wouldn’t work.
I guess I mean more an account manager who would manage the relationship with us and Monzo, and could escalate issues should it be needed. Not someone to directly solve this (or other) specific issues.

I can see a lot of value in an ‘Account Manager’ in the traditional sense.


Sync has been restored for me :partying_face:

I think it happened with an update yesterday.

XERO did a terrible job of identifying duplicate transactions. Had 300+ transactions to delete as I’d imported manually. Interesting the sync did pull across some pot transactions that hadn’t previously made their way to XERO.