Winner winner Chicken Dinner ;)

I am now a Monzo Invester,
Slightly excited :wink: :grinning::clap::clap:


I got my investment email on Thursday, so stoked. :grin::facepunch:t2:

I’m still waiting!!! So no dice yet.


I’ve just receive the email this morning and I am now also an investor :grin:

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Me too; super excited. :monzo: win

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I got the invitation email today… on my birthday! :grimacing:


Just received my invite. Thanks Monzo! :monzo: :heart:

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Come on Monzo, where is my invite!!!???

No chicken dinner for me!


It’s great to see all the excitement from the new investors.


Just got my email as well! I am now a :monzo: investor!


:tada: Happy birthday dude!! :tada:

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I managed to get in on the second round as well - so that makes me a double investor… Shame both investment rounds happened when I’ve been short of cash so I wasn’t able to invest as heavily as I would have liked (total investment is < £500 :frowning: )

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Still waiting for my email :frowning: when are the last ones being sent out?

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Can’t answer that, but just over £2m has already been invested so less that £500k left for the nail-biters :slight_smile:

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Slightly off topic: I’ve noticed around the forums that some users have “Mondo Crowdfunding Investor” or “Monzo…” as a tag next to their names but others who have invested do not, as shown in the examples quoted here. How is this set up?

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Monzo staff have a Monzo byline, some Investors and crowdfunders from the initial funding, plus some Alpha or Beta card holders, and community leaders. It is not automated but allocated/granted by Monzo staff.


You can change your ‘title’ in your profile settings -

Monzo has to manually identify & assign the investor title to your Discourse profile first though. I assume that they’ll do that for the new investors from this crowdfunding round too, although I haven’t seen that confirmed anywhere.

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Good to know! Thanks :smile:

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Nearly a year later lol


Maybe the @moderators could help out, a thread or something for us to claim badges.

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