Why could I not open a joint account

From some perspectives I can see that reading “We are limiting the number of joint accounts and hope to open up more spaces in the future” rather than “sorry you’re not eligible for one”.


Well that’s not a well worded reply In fairness. I could get “we can’t let you open a joint account right now” - as detailed as you would expect.

But the whole “we’re working hard to make these accounts available to more customers” suggests throttling.

Is the codebase not up to the task without significant refactoring?


I do hope some thought is put towards this, alongside Plus/Premium, or Starling don’t launch something to make their JA/personal accounts more appealing.

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Im still in the same bracket as the OP.

I have a personal, and business account. I have an overdraft facility, and a monzo loan. I previously had a joint account. However I am consistently told now that I cant have one.


Don’t stress over it. It’s annoying and like others - we have max loan facility, max flex allowance, excellent credit score bla bla - Been trying to get joint account for months and (imagine Little Britain scene) - “Computer Says No”.

Starling will approve you in seconds. Use that for now.


For sure - starling opened mine immediately.

Irritatingly - i have just opened a 2nd business account with monzo and moved this over too. So they trust me enough to have business accounts, but not a joint account with my partner!

It’s not a trust issue with joint accounts.

Fingers crossed they resolve this soon for all those holding out for one.

I know its not really a trust issue - but frustrating nonetheless. I hate having to manage my business and personal income in monzo, and then step away to another app to manage my household.


This is interesting (if off-topic) as I understood that only one business account was possible with Monzo.

Edit: just found a thread with news that multiple business accounts are now being tested.

Yeah they announced it in another thread, and now you can have up to 3 businesses I think.

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I’ve been trying to open a joint account with my partner for about 18 months now. The app doesn’t even tell me I can’t apply now, but just goes in a loop reloading the starting screen when I authenticate. I have just been advised this is because they are not letting me apply at all now! If this is the case that should be stated rather than have the app behave like it is buggy, very disconcerting for an app that manages my money!

We are both financially stable and have good credit. I would just like an explanation and to know if it’s futile for me to keep trying. I’ll end up moving away from monzo for all my accounts (just about to open a business account too) if this carries on. It’s so frustrating.

At this point I would just forget about it and use another bank for joint account, Starling is what I use personally and I know many here do too.


You might as well just move now then tbf. For whatever reason the criteria for you to get a joint account isn’t been hit.

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Go to Starling.


I’m also getting this "Sorry, we can’t let you apply for a joint account right now.

We realise this is frustrating and we’re working hard to make joint accounts available to more customers. We’ll let you know when this changes, but I’m afraid there’s nothing else we’re able to do today."

Sad :frowning_face:


I had hoped they would resolve this too. I went to try and got the same message as others.

After the issue with HSBC closing my joint account in error I was hoping to consolidate everything and unfortunately I can’t, quite frustrating.

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