There can be joint accounts created. Some people just aren’t eligible. You only hear a minor fraction of people not getting their own way in here.
I see many new accounts when working
There can be joint accounts created. Some people just aren’t eligible. You only hear a minor fraction of people not getting their own way in here.
I see many new accounts when working
With respect, though, something is wrong here.
Monzo can set its criteria whenever it wants, but from what we see on here those criteria seem to be illogical or overly tight. As @davidwalton demonstrates, folk just can’t understand why two folk would be eligible for personal accounts (often with lending) but not a joint. And, again with respect, to hear staff effectively shrug their shoulders and recommend Starling is equally dispiriting, even though it’s done with the best of intent.
It’s an issue of transparency. It feels like this isn’t related to fraud or reasonable eligibility criteria. So when people say that it is what it is frankly doesn’t cut it. To be clear, I’m not asking for the exact decisioning criteria but someone to authoritatively give a suitably high level explanation of why the situation seems so weird. Or a rebuttal if we’re just seeing outliers. Indeed, it feels unfair to staff forum members who are trying to talk around what seem like policy decisions that can’t be clearly communicated and which don’t make intuitive sense.
Now, before the usual suspects tell me that Monzo owes us nothing and that we should expect nothing on this, let me say that an explanation is probably in the bank’s best interest. This is a (minor for now) reputational issue, but one that could be rectified with some decent comms, the sort that @simonb was excellent at. It’s not a demand from me, it’s some friendly advice.
“From what we see on here” is probably the operative phrase here.
I can recall at least one occasion where someone came here to say they’d opened a JA, and @Carlo1460 has said that they are being opened.
I’d be amazed if anyone from Monzo came here to say anything other than “we have criteria, and unfortunately not everyone fits those criteria, though it’s kept under constant review.”
Well totally. But the point is that these don’t feel like standard criteria.
So either dispelling that myth or, I dunno, saying that they’re limiting the number of joint accounts because of Monzo reasons (rather than issues with the applicants) might be helpful.
Well we don’t really know the extent on the joint account eligibility “issue” you speak of from the outside.
If 3 out of the 6 million customers were applying and being rejected, I think there’d be a good reason to air in further detail what monzo can or can’t do to resolve it.
We see one a month/every other month complain on here. They’re also free to raise a complaint if they feel aggrieved by it.
The “issue” is likely minor as to the amount of concern or complaints we have from this. I’m in that basket of not being eligible, I know why too, but it is what it is.
I, and others, point out Starling not because we really want them to have the competition but it then gives a customer a solution to their requirements that is as functional/similar. The impact off this is also likely negligible.
Me and partner only have JA with Starling, everything else including spending etc is monzo so it’s still a win (unless 6 direct debits a month accrued more return than 100s of debit card payments)
Exactly that. Myself and partner both have personal accounts (and eligible for lending), but refused a joint account. So Monzo is just a spending card for us now with six figures between us now held elsewhere (as has been the case for a year or so now, but even with a JA it would now have been moved to take advantage of interest rates elsewhere).
We aren’t bitter at all. It just feels like they don’t want joint accounts (also evidenced by lack of feature parity), or their scoring algorithms are bad (meaning buggy or need reviewing). Either way they are turning away genuine customers (remember you must be eligible for a personal account first) which is not great for a business failing to break even seven years after it was founded.
Must admit, many people have been turned down for joint. And the same thing happens, it’s taken personally! And people think it’s a entitlement that we “should” have one because someone has a account for years!harsh reality is it’s up to the company.
Opened joint account less than a year ago.
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