There are a bunch of bank cards out there, and obviously most people want to have a cool one, right?
So in your opinion and from your experience of bank cards, what’s the coolest card to whip out?
I work in a job where I get to see a lot of bank cards, and I have to say that (perhaps ironically for such an uncool concept) the COOLEST card I have seen was a pink GoHenry bank card wielded by a CHILD, with their name in large font in the top left instead of the bank’s name (e.g. instead of the card saying “Monzo” it would say “your name” in the huge letters). I can’t pinpoint exactly what it was about the card that was cool, but it was pretty epic Congrats to GoHenry on turning a boring thing in to an awesome thing!
Also on my top list is Revolut’s metal card (simple but beautiful and very STRONG looking), although not N26’s metal card for some reason, perhaps it just feels like a boring copycat of Revolut’s showstopper…
A surprise entry at number 3 in my top list is the Pockit card. The acid yellow colour takes the showboatiness of Hot Coral to another level, and it is at least a hundred times rarer than a Monzo card, which automatically makes it cool…
Then you have the most recent iteration of the Starling card, which being portrait instead of landscape (like the newest Scottish polymer bank notes) is pretty cool. It’s a really serene teal and just feels very slick and premium.
I’m not sure where Monzo sits on the coolness scale. Obviously it’s totally zeitgeist being the most used fintech card around at the moment, but maybe that makes it too common to feature in the cool list?
What do you think are the coolest bank cards around right now?
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I’ve never seen a cool bank card.
(Sorry, I will have to escalate this.)
I really like my Amex.
It’s the standard rewards card and it’s transparent. I always catch staff behind the counters trying to work out what it is whenever I’m paying for stuff.
“cool” isn’t a word I’d use to describe any bank card really
But if we’re talking aesthetics, I think most of the fintech offerings are far better looking than cards issued by the mainstream banks.
Personally, I am a fan of the more minimalist cards from the likes of Starling, Monese and Curve
The metal offerings from Revolut, N26 and Curve are nice, but not nice enough for me to warrant the fees.
It is very aesthetically pleasing. But also functionally useless (to me at least). There’s so much friction in using the app that I’ve not touched it for months and months.