What would make you leave Monzo?

I think I’ve mentioned this before so apologies I know it’s going around in circles a bit. Looking at it as an end user it could do with an overhaul:

  • clearly allow logos from other social media not just pasting the link into where it mentions twitter
  • an indication it’s in the queue to be reviewed/has been reviewed.
  • When a company updates their Logo (Amex did this recently on Twitter) the old one still shows in the app?
  • Crowd-sourcing data so if so many people submit one logo it auto approves.
  • Displaying the additional info that can be submitted such as the website and telephone number. What’s the point of being able to submit it if we can’t view it?
  • Also how do we suggest a new emoji for the notifications? Some merchants I use like local pubs just come up as :credit_card:

Edit: also this:

Wetherspoon no longer have a social media account so I can’t add new pubs to join the “Group” as mentioned in the link above. Some way to state that they belong under an existing merchant would be good maybe?