As we grow as a community, I’m really interested to know what everyone does outside of work etc. We are such a diverse bunch of people with one specific common interest! I like to learn about the things people do for fun or on the side.
I’ll start! So earlier tonight I DJ’d at an Art Gallery! Not the usual place to do a DJ set, but it was a very important occasion. As most of you know, I’m a huge Prince fan. Well, his former personal photographer Steve Parke who worked with him for 13 years just launched an exhibit of many of his photos at a gallery in central London. I was asked to DJ at the launch event which also included a Q&A session with Steve… an amazing honor! It was pretty trippy as there was a giant photograph of Prince right by where I was DJing so it kinda felt like he was watching me! Had a fantastic time and spun some psychedelic purple funk and hung out with lots of fellow fans… many of whom have Monzo cards too
I work in a consultancy firm helping SMEs with company launch and structure, M&As and restructuring, etc but in last year or two all our work has been on the technicalities of Brexit relocation for firms such as sourcing new premises and arranging removals and property rental for affected staff.
The cool thing I did recently was waterskiing in jellyfish infested waters despite an inability to swim and a fear of drowing/sharks/whales…conquer your fears and all that!
EDIT correction of spelling (back to skool for me!)
I’m running a big event in January ( so am liasing with lots of people and writing lots of documentation so that we can make it as awesome as possible
Hopefully I’ll be able to say “I’ve done a cool thing” in January!
I travelled around Europe for a month (thank you, Monzo! Would never have done that so easily) and I’ll have visited 11 different countries in this year after my trip to Korea in December.
I tried meeting a random stranger off Couchsurfing to hang about Paris that didn’t go so well (got stalked back to my hostel too so it was a fun few days there), but had a much better time in Croatia and flew to stay with one of the friends I made there, in Amsterdam!
I’m normally someone who stays in bed with a cup of tea and a good book and a lazy person in general so travelling has honestly made me put myself out there a lot more. Back to the sedentary life for me soon