What are we working on? The Monzo Weekly Diary

Well you’re doing a great job. I have waited patiently for my card, as my trip to Spain came closer and closer. Had almost given up when I reached the top of the Q on Friday 9th but as I was leaving on 12th, I thought “it won’t arrive in time”.

But it arived on Sat 11th, so it’s topped up and on it’s way to Spain for a good test !!




It looks like this was perhaps forgotten! @daniel :slight_smile:

@matt just a quick question on the faster payment system Monzo will be using, will you be going through a 3rd party like my current smaller bank does (this normally means it does take up to 2 hours for money to go in and out of my account) or is Monzo going to apply to become a member of the faster payment program where the transactions go through pretty much instantly like with the big banks. I don’t know a huge amount about this so I hope my question makes sense! :slight_smile:

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the problem is those big banks have a stranglehold over who can connect directly and while a few banks have applied recently they are being resisted by the existing encumbants so most are stuck connecting thru agents

Currently from memory their are at least 6 different ways of participating in the Faster Payments Scheme: Direct Participation, Direct Agency, Indirect Agency, File Input Module, Direct Corporate Access (Direct) and Direct Corporate Access (via a bureau). Direct Agency, Indirect Agency and File Input Module all involve going via a Sponsoring Participant. So the whole scheme is a convoluted mess and hopefully will be revised at some point!

Firstly, apologies for forgetting to do this.

I’ve just kicked off our PCI project. This involves designing and building the systems which will hold sensitive card data :credit_card: e.g. PINs and PANs (card numbers) and then getting these systems audited :microscope:.

We are very much a data driven company and track lots of metrics :chart_with_upwards_trend: . We use these to assess our performance and decide where to prioritise engineering time. Within the fraud space we not only track things like maximum fraud exposure but also false positive rates. I’m rolling out an update to our fraud services :policeman: today with the aim of reducing the false positive rate.

Next up, I nominate @daniel.cannon

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This used to be a really interesting thread when it was updated regularly :+1:

Nudge @daniel.cannon / @tom

** appreciate you have a lot to do! :mondo:


Sorry for taking so long to reply! (and thank @drudunn for the reminder :smile:)

I have spent the last couple of weeks working on the backend for our new targets :dart: feature which we released over the weekend! I have also started work on a feature which should make it even easier to use your card abroad as well as “golden tickets” :ticket:

Some of the less user facing work I have been doing is to improve the system we use for AB testing different features, this system allows use to give a certain percentage of our users one version of a feature and the rest another version, we can then determine which version is the most effective. I also worked on improving the systems we use to deal with customer support queries to try speed up how long it takes to deal with any questions you might have.

Next up I nominate @zancler


I wanna know about this golden tickets system🤔


Could it be this?


Exactly :wink: Coming :soon:@hugo might even have some designs to share somewhere if we’re nice to him…


Ah right… Sounds cool.

Third time around — hey everyone!

Right now I’m working on a big overhaul of all things Monzo on the web :earth_africa:, and have been focused on this the last couple of weeks. In the hopefully not-too-distant future you’ll be seeing a new monzo.com roll-out, with more information about the company and most importantly, what the core product offers. We’ve been sitting on the same site for a while now and, aside from the recent blog design update, don’t believe our website quality matches that of the app.

Is there anything you’d particularly like to see on monzo.com? I’d love to hear some thoughts :smiley:

Today we also had a brainstorm around another area of the app I’m insanely excited for: using Monzo with your friends. Right now we only really have sending money, but we’ve been working on some designs and discussing some Very Cool Ideas™ in the team.

Next up, @james, lets see what you got! :peace:

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Id like to see a few 5 second gifs on all the functions available on the app , just for example I was out to lunch today with another Monzo user and he hadn’t realised you could use the touch id on your monzo account - a simple “security” heading and a gif showing where to find your “enable touch Id” and then a screen showing your blurred home screen - “lost your card” heading - show the gif of freezing your card - Im sure new users would benefit from some short viewable explanations of what the 2nd and third layers of the app can do and how to do it.


I’d like to know what they are. Must be good if you’ve trademarked the term :laughing:

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other GIF headings
transfer money in
enable camera to enter card details
in app support
enable /disable sounds
send money
my replacement card arrived - what now
top up
export functions gives you this …

The website is a great shop window to give prospective customers a view to what Monzo can do , before even applying for the card

I would love to see a live (or almost live) dashboard with anonomised data about what we’re spending money on. Would be fascinating to see.


+1 on that idea!
Also where we are spending money - if it can be suitably anonymised…


The newly released targets feature should be quite prominent too. It’ll be highlighting the fact that Monzo is interested in helping users look after ther finances, not just hold their money and make a profit off of them.

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Afternoon all!

I’m James and I work on the Monzo iOS app :iphone:

As you may know, we’ve been granted our banking licence and entered mobilisation. As a result, my focus has switched from day-to-day feature development to focusing on features that need to be ready in order to exit mobilisation, such as making payments to other banks.

This ties in with the work that @matt and others are doing now on the backend (previous post in this thread).

Right now I’m working on overdrafts – how you learn about, apply for and use them, how having one interacts with your feed the pulse graph, and how we make sure it’s clear what it costs and how to manage it :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Next up, I’d like to nominate our awesome new Android dev @emmag :thumbsup: