What apps have changed your life?

Monzo is a bank that has quite literally changed the way I manage my money (for the better!) so I’m looking for more modern ways to enhance my way of life.

I also have Chip which has been a lifesaver by saving money for me automatically. I had collected a total of £90 without even realising it which will come in handy when I get my car serviced!

Do you guys know of any other apps that have changed the way you live your life? Banking/money related or not!


I use an app called Money Lover which is sort of a low tech way of keeping track of all the money I have across wallets/ bank accounts/ while on holiday since you have to manually input each transaction, but it’s a habit for me now and I don’t waste much time on it. I love being able to categorise all my transactions with detailed lists. I imagine apps like Emma can do this for you by letting you see your bank accounts at a glance. I keep harping on this too but I really enjoy using the Life Cycle app- it really breaks down the amount of time I spend in each location and accurately detects movements/ patterns/ works with Sleep Cycle.


Easy easy win here for Monzo and Echo. When you’ve got 13 different items on your repeat prescription, being able to order through the Echo app and have it all delivered to door is the best :sweat_smile:
And thanks to Monzo, I’m saving more money than I’ve ever been able to before, looking forward to see what future updates bring to manage money even better still :+1:image


Monzo (no surprise) and Twighlight (overlays the screen with a yellowish colour to reduce the blue light)

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Without any shadow of doubt;

Citymapper Transit Navigation by Citymapper Limited



Pretty much every car navigation app although my favourite is Co-pilot.

Revolut, getting my pension from the euro zone without extortionate exchange rates is a biggy.

Like the sound of Echo, will look at that.


Waze is the one I keep returning to.


I’ve used Waze and it is good but Emma has such a breathy voice I keep going back to Co-pilot :grinning:

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check out flux if you haven’t already

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YNAB, Citymapper, Mondo and Starling.

Takes me back… :wink:


Ha. I keep writing that even though I’ve had my card for nearly two months! I signed for interest in 2016 but only got round to signing up last month! Gutted I never got Monzo card, don’t think I’ll ever get it out of my head! :smiley:

Any live bus times app. I’ve become so reliant on them I won’t wait for a bus if the system goes down.

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Evernote, and its companion app Scannable.

Scannable helps you take photos of documents, and automatically:

a) detects their edges
b) crops them with perspective correction
c) enhances them for readability
d) stores them to the cloud (Evernote)
e) performs OCR on the image, so any text can be searched within Evernote app

I shred all my mail (bills, documents etc) after quickly capturing them using Scannable.

I can search from my iPhone to find any document with a few taps.


Don’t know if it is also on Apple but CamScanner is similar and one of the first apps I download when changing phones.

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Monzo, as it allows me to have a better overview of my financial life. :monzo:

1Password, a must-have nowadays given how many accounts most of us have to manage on a daily basis (and no, password reuse isn’t an option).

Depop, my day job - does that count? :wink: Though I don’t use it much personally, I am not really into the whole vintage & streetwear hype.

Deliveroo - keeps me well fed (with junk food :joy:) as I don’t have the time nor energy to cook.

Nike Training Club - would highly recommend to anyone getting started working out; if I discovered it earlier I probably wouldn’t have spent as much on a personal trainer.

Scannable + Monzo receipt uploads? :thinking:


Yes! I use Scannable for this and it works great - scan the receipt, save to camera roll, add to Monzo transaction - makes the receipts look much clearer/cleaner in my opinion.

Some way of automating it would be ideal (although I imagine complex to match up a scan with the right transaction, so not quite sure how that could work), or it would be great if this kind of functionality could be built directly into the Monzo app itself for adding receipts, but I imagine that’s not something we’ll be seeing any time soon… :pensive:

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Surprised no one has mentioned Tinder :smiling_imp: