I’m seeing exactly the same thing. I’m wondering if the colour will come back as the month goes on?
I’ve also lost the colour on the left to spend bar. Wonder if they’re experimenting with this, although I’m not sure how a red bar helps if close to every payday you get low on funds unless there’s a actionable long term way to stop that cycle.
I’ve been on the new layout for about a week now, and have followed this entire thread. I think the most important feedback has already been echoed by several people, and there have been some really great mockups.
Here is my own slight interpretation based on what others have suggested, designed and requested:
Key features:
- Spent today below main balance
- Summary widget shows £XX value left to spend, RAG colour status and notch to indicate progress
- Help is moved out of the tabs bar and tucked away near the top
- Pots are moved into the tab bar where they can be reached more easily
- Cards/accounts are scrollable (right for next account, left for add account)
Other thoughts:
- Whilst I personally like the new summary widget, I agree that those who want to hide it should have the option to
- More customisation options in general should be embraced in the app
- Having only three tabs looks odd and removes functionality (I assume that Monzo are creating space to add new tabs later)
- Looking forward to custom categories as mentioned in the open office - this has been a pain point for a while now
Can I have this now please
Some really great thoughts there!
I’m really attracted to this. As others have expertly diagrammed the View All button is just too far away.
But I’m not sure it works in terms of the hierarchy of the app - it feels to me that, rightly, in this new design the Accounts tab isn’t equal to the Home screen - it’s a modifier for it. So in time, that’ll be how we choose what to see on that screen.
I wonder if an FAB (floating action bar) in the bottom right corner - above the Help button - might be the solution for Show All (or Accounts). Something like this “+” button on a very old version of the Android app I’ve found online:
(Also, I’m not sure about calling it Pots - I think the term has become a bit problematic. May post long and boring explanation later!)
I see what you mean. My thinking here was that “pots” deserve to have a proper list view, which is easy to reach - hence giving them a new tab.
Personally I feel that “accounts” (or cards) can live quite happily within the home screen as most people will have fewer cards and therefore the horizontal scrolling is more justified.
However, having just read the Monzo Plus thread I can see where the crossover between “pots” and “accounts” could become confusing, especially if virtual debit cards are launched. The potential to have a virtual debit card linked to a specific “pot” would confuse the terminology. Is that what you were hinting at?
Ah, I see. You’re thinking about Pots and Accounts as separate - that makes sense (see my long diatribe below!)
I think a combination of vertical scrolling and a list view is the optimum combo here. I also like Bruno’s earlier mock-up suggesting that it won’t just be single account views, and that we’ll be able to combine accounts for display purposes. That’ll need a bit more sophisticated interface, I think.
This, exactly.
For me, Pots made sense when they were subdivisions of a main account. And there’s still absolutely room for them there - indeed, I couldn’t live without them (hyperbole, but you know what I mean).
But now we have interest bearing pots, and credit cards being shown in the app - all really amazing stuff that takes us well on the way to the financial control centre of our dreams - it feels like there is a logical distinction between Pots as sub-areas within a Monzo account (to stash some cash, for example), and the other stuff.
And I think that manifests itself in a number of ways, like the way that we see Pots on the PDF statements, for example.
I was planning a bigger, more thought through, post - perhaps as a different thread - but does that make sense to you?
Agreed. In hindsight, perhaps I shouldn’t be separating “Pots” here and it should in fact be the same view that we currently get with the “View all” button.
Nonetheless, I believe it deserves a prominent place on the tabs bar and not where it currently lives, all the way up in the top corner. It also deserves a more appropriate name! Perhaps the term “Dashboard” could be brought back for this area?
I agree that it needs to be within easy ‘thumbing’ distance in the bottom (my preference is for the right being right-handed, but others will have different needs). That’s why I thought a floating thing - above the help tab - might be a solution.
But hopefully Monzo have heard this loud and clear and (will) have some data / designs to compensate!
I just want to add another thought on why I think the list view for accounts/pots (or “View all” as it has been named) should exist as its own tab.
As a comparison, let’s take the Dice app for example:
Instead of looking at money, we’re looking at events. By Monzo’s logic, you could argue that “Discover” and “Events” should be merged into one tab as they are essentially displaying the same information.
Then, whilst you’re at it, you might as well move the “Saved” events tab into the main “Events” tab by adding a button for it in the top corner.
However, these different views/tabs add significant value to the user experience and ease of navigation. It wouldn’t make sense to hide them away or nest them all within the homepage just because they all fall under the same category of “Events”.
As a side note, they also have the “Help” button up in the top corner to free up space for more frequently used tabs…
I’m really liking the new look, a pots screen refresh would be nice too . But, I did have a strange issue earlier.
My mum transferred me some money and instead of the usual sound, the sound that played was: “Hello, my name is Emma and I have a Monzo card”.
Details to reproduce:
Get someone to transfer money to your account
Android 9
OnePlus 5T
App Version:
Funilly enough my mum’s name is Emma.
Are you serious?!
Deadly, my mum transferred the money. We were watching something and heard it, so she transferred another £1 and it did it again. I’ve since force stopped the app.
Was it her voice?
No, the lady sounded American.
This is an audio file embedded into the app and it’s played during sign up to give people an example of what to say during identity verification. The person in the example is called Emma.
Very weird - will raise with an Android engineer to investigate.
Thank you, Kieran .
I can’t seem to persuade my Mum to join Monzo unfortunately, but I did persuade my Auntie .
Just tried sending myself a £1 from another account and it’s done the same, so I think the Emma is a coincidence
This is hilarious
Someone please screencast this so I can see/hear it