We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

For me with Apple Wallet this isn’t true, thankfully. My card is plain, but in Apple Wallet it has the Joint Account bubble. Would be very difficult to use otherwise.

Spotted a visual bug on iOS in 2.64! It looks like there’s a pixel or so missing on the drawer, as you can see behind it.

Edit/update: visible on the other side too. Cannot. Unsee.



Looks like they’ve cheated the curved top of the drawer by drawing a lozenge shape across the screen width - and then not shoved the drawer background rectangle far enough up.


This doesn’t seem to be an issue on the other mobile platform.

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I have it in iOS on my pots

Maybe a silly question, but you realise that there is an easy access savings pot with 1.15% now right? Just thought you might want to move your money into that to get a (little) bit more interest?

It would be nice if Monzo could notify you of this, but not sure the partner banks would like that!

On Android you can tap on the Totals rows to get a transaction history of that Pot.

I know. I need to do it at some point. I am just being lazy. Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Trying to open Monzo Labs on latest iOS (I think 2.64?)

Spotted that here too!

Might be due to the iOS roll-out of bill pots?

Am I missing something here — surely the summary ‘notch’ on the home screen should align itself in the same way the notch does on the full summary screen? It just seems to stay at the end of the bar rather than indicating how well you’re budgeting for the month?

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Just updated to the latest AppStore version and the last selected account is always the one that launches as far as I can see so :ok_hand:

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Been using the new look for a few weeks, but changed back to the old version today. I just can’t get used to the loss of the tabs and especially the summary page. The old version ain’t broke, so please don’t change it.

Summary is still there which you can get to by either hitting the left to spend progress bar or the pie in the top right of the screen which you can see in the images in the posts a few above this one.

Yes. You are correct. But using the old tabs/buttons at the bottom of the screen, to switch between pages, was just an easier, simpler, cleaner layout and way of working. In my view, anyway.


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Best to keep using it and get used to it. The old layout seems to be being switched off soon.


Mine roughly lines up, was your home screen definitely refreshed/up to date?

Screenshot_20190909-224835 Screenshot_20190909-224801

Yeap it was up to date at the time — it seems to have changed slightly this morning but still doesn’t seem full aligned? Maybe it’s just me :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ve always been on board with what Monzo do and have done, I was an early beta tester and have told every friend and family member to sign up but I’m really not liking the new layout. To me it seems a big step backwards.

I don’t want to have to see my pots when I need to navigate between my account and joint account.

I think the animations between the card swipe is a bit jarring for the user. 90% of the information on the screen has a fade effect and when you are quickly getting from your account to a joint account through 3/4 other pots of money its not a great user experience.

The down arrow just above your most recent spends of today/yesterday doesn’t work as expected. With every other sliding card style view in iOS the card can be slid all the way down out the way to reveal what is underneath. Where as on the new Monzo app the card does not move and creates an odd looking zoom out effect to a stacked view with more fade transitions.

There seems to be 9 touch points on the top 50% of the screen. user, account details, summary, search, another link to summary, pin & card, freeze, manage and add money. It seems quite condensed.

I feel it seems like the account, summary and home tabs have been squashed into just the home section giving a less positive user experience.


I think thats aligned :slight_smile:
The green bar is bigger on the horizontal version combined with the bar being shorter, so it just doesnt LOOK aligned and the same but it actually is i’m pretty sure! Got to remember that the circle is much bigger in circumference than the length of the horizontal bar.