We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

What does this iOS transition look like hah?

Really like the new look but am missing being able to see the total amount of money in my account without having to add it up myself


Hi Maddie & welcome :wave:

I’m assuming your using iOS? It isn’t yet shown on iOS (further details here)

The grouping together of an account and it’s pots and showing the group total is available in the Android app in the Accounts list display (tap on your profile icon or swipe a card down to see the Accounts list)

Hope this come back to IOS too

It’s been said multiple times by the team it is indeed coming back very soon it’s just not been done yet. We really need a way to pin posts in the forum, but if you look here you can see bruno’s post about it:

There’s also another post about what’s still coming that I’ll add to this once I’ve found it.

edit: found it! We're working on a new look for the Monzo app - #4063 by bruno

panic over :slight_smile:


This is something that I’ve commented on in a suggestions thread before, but I’m the lead tenant in my house, so my housemates pay into my account every month and I have a direct debit that sends out the full amount at the end of the month.

This isn’t taken into account when the app calculates my remaining balance each month, so I’ve got a couple of weeks with this glaring red message at the top saying I’ve got £0 left. A bit demoralising as I’ve only just been paid!


It’s not ideal, but as a workaround you could change your budget period to begin on the day that the direct debit comes out. That way your committed spending for the rest of the month is already accounted for (and won’t put you in the red).

Or mark the direct debit as exclude from summary…


Can you exclude direct debits from summary?

I’m not sure about the OP, but my rent is a standing order which doesn’t have the option to exclude from summary.

It’s very unclear, it used to be the case that committed spending was automatically excluded from summary when I used to have DDs etc from my Monzo.

The alternative is to up the monthly budget by the amount of that payment.

I don’t think this applies unless you have set an overall budget. Personally I find left to spend works best without setting an overall budget.

Haptic feedback is done super well on iOS and watchOS! It’s so precise on the watch side of things that you can select a letter of the alphabet on a list without looking at the screen, based on the number of taps you feel.

In my opinion, more use of haptic feedback in Monzo’s app would be welcomed on iOS, of course with a toggle!

As @monzo2018 says, it would be nice to see it when swiping through cards, and I’d add that haptic feedback would be great on the + and - buttons for the pot deposit, withdrawal and payment request screens

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I do miss historical balances


Sound like you might find Scheduled Income useful. You can vote for Scheduled Income here:


I love the default view in the new interface with the top of the card showing below my balance and ‘left to spend’. But if I then drag the transaction sheet either up or down, it is extremely difficult to get back to the view. You have to drag the top of the sheet to the precise point on the card to get it to stay – seemingly within the accuracy of just a few pixels. If I drag just a bit too high, the sheet pops up and covers the whole screen. If I drag just a bit too low, the sheet collapses down to the bottom of the screen revealing the whole card and controls underneath. Could you create a significantly larger target for the top of the sheet to return to the default view?


I don’t have this at all. Just a quick little swipe up with my finger (very small tap and swipe at the same time) and it slides back up to the default view :slight_smile:

For what it’s worth, it sounds like they’re going to change it to just the default view or the slidden down view and remove the fully expanded view all together so that should make it easier!

Oh, thanks, I’d never even tried a quick flick up (or down)! Try and drag it to just the right place, and you’ll see what I mean, it’s near impossible. But no need to do that anymore. :slight_smile:

Now that it’s easy for me to get back to the default view, I don’t mind anymore. :grin:

Are you on iOS? I just tried this on android and can drag and release anywhere over the card and it snaps to the place we’re wanting here. At least it seems solved for you! :+1:

Yes, I’m on iOS. It’s definitely solved it for me, but I don’t think it’s great behaviour, as it leads to the weeks of frustration that I’ve had! The iOS app should act like the Android one in terms of drag and release over the card.