We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

I believe they are working on a new way to get between these screens at the moment :slight_smile:


I’m not advocating for a hamburger menu, if that is what you mean, perhaps you mistook me for another person.
I am advocating for a simple, usable, intuitive design, which the current design is not. The old design with flaws and all was better than the current in terms of usability, less shinny though.

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All they’re attempting to do with the new design is match the usability (from the data they’re gathering and user testing sessions) with the old design. Once that has been accomplished it will be released to all. Basically, by the fact is hasn’t yet been released, they are agreeing with you. It is indeed not as usable as the old design yet.

The point of the new design is not to be ‘more shiny’ (or more usable necessarily right now), it’s to open up space on the app for new features :slight_smile:

But yes, I did mistake your sarcasm to be agreeing with the burger menu idea!

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I don’t really understand this line of reasoning to exclude Summary from the tab bar. I’d argue that the Payments and Help Tabs are account specific too.

That being said what I really love about the new Nav is the left to spend view on the Home tab. I want it to stay.

The rest though…

Trying to ram all accounts and sub pots horizontally on a vertical screen is exactly what’s wrong with the new Home tab in my mind. It’s too busy and laborious to swipe between everything, especially if you have a number of pots. I have 19 Pots in my current account, that’s before you consider having a joint account with it’s pots, and connected credit cards too!

Why not have 3 persistent tabs along the bottom, Home, Accounts, and Payments?

Have Home and Payments tailor their offerings based off an account filter which is clearly visible on each screen?

I feel Accounts needs to return as its own tab, to have it more accessible. I feel it will become a lot more important once true open banking arrives.

That still only uses up 3 slots on the tab bar if you move Help to somewhere else. Still provides the space needed for the likes of the Marketplace to live on the tab bar too when it arrives.

If none of this can happen, can we please at least make the tabs along the bottom persistent on each screen so there’s a very clear way to return Home? Currently it dissappears when visiting the likes of Summary.

Sorry if this seems like a rant or a demand, I just really don’t like horizontal scrolling on a vertical screen and I want monzo to be a pleasure to use without users having to figure out the best way to navigate it.


Click on your face top left to get vertical scrolling?

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I’d agree that Help doesn’t need its own space in the main tab bar. Feels like wasted space.


There was some talk earlier that the new Discover Monzo page may go on a journey with you. Maybe that is something that could be argued to be useful for tabs at the bottom as well

I would say that for a new user that it is not ideal to in any way tuck away, minimise or hide the help tab, but maybe if you’re into your second year then yes


I imagine it’s there to make it easily discoverable.

A recurring issue has been people using in app chat when help articles are available. By making it prominent hopefully it will reduce the number of people contacting COps

Maybe it just feels wasted compared the the old nav, with its different tabs. Help didn’t feel out of place there, but it does on the new nav.

I strongly disagree with this point. Sure, it’s laborious to swipe through on the horizontal swiping if you want to go to something way down the list. However I only swipe here when looking at the first couple of pots.

I very quickly got into the habit of switching to the vertical view and then selecting something from there if I want to check something further along, say one of the later pots, or a credit card. Which I think was probably the intention of the design.

I very much enjoy the aesthetic of the horizontal scrolling. But then I am generally a fan of carousel controls where they make sense, and to me this is one of those places.


I’m in agreement with this. The development of the new UX (‘new nav’) offers more flexibility on how to interact with the app. Sure - it needs polish - but it’s going in the right direction.

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Appreciate the thoughts but I’ve said this elsewhere too that going to second screen to better scroll to somewhere on the first screen is a terrible user experience in my opinion.

Surely the fact that you only ever use it check the first few pots highlights my point that it’s not fit for purpose (swiping to another account beyond the pots) as it is right now?
Perhaps if we could exclude pots or accounts from the home screen carousel I’d feel differently.


It was stated early on that digital photo albums were used as the inspiration of the design. So I guess I don’t see it as moving to a different screen so much as switching to a higher level view of the same screen.

I do see your point with this. However, again on the photo album analogy, you just flick through the ones in the immediate vicinity of what you’re currently looking at, then move out to the broader view to switch to an item further away. That doesn’t feel like bad design to me. (Though maybe I’m just weird)


If a digital photo album had its primary view featuring all my photos in a single line on a carousel I don’t think that would make sense either. Even if there was an alternative navigation that actually worked, to navigate around the main navigation that doesn’t work.


Having used the new UI for a few weeks, I’ve decided it is a lot better than the old design - especially if you have multiple accounts and pots.

1 minor issue:
When switching between current and joint account using the list-view (I.e. not swiping), the account does switch but the list of transactions is blank.
I have to swipe to a pot and back again for it to show.

1 request:
I get a bit lost when I’ve swiped 5+ times through pots and accounts. Instinctively I tried to press Home again hoping it would take me back to the start (my current account).

Is this something that could be considered?


iOS 2.58.0


I’ve been using new nav for a while now and this sort of thing still keeps happening:

  • My mileage expenses came through and I’d like to put that money in the fuel pot

  • I’d like to press on the payment and pick “add to pot” but that is not a thing

  • I go to the vertical pot nav and select the fuel pot

  • But now I’ve forgotten the amount of the payment, darn!

  • Press Back. Oops, exited the app!

  • Re-enter app, still in pot, now have lost all mental context as to where I “am” relative to everything else. I don’t have a mental model of which things are left or right, since I got here from the vertical nav where things were up and down, also the pots are too many for me to remember their arbitrary ordering. I don’t know how “far” I am in the carousel from home. Also left to right drag is kind of awkward one handed on a phone.

  • Press Home, it slides a slider. That’s not really helpful

  • At this point I snap my brain out of automatic mode and go for the non intuitive drag down gesture to reach the vertical pot menu again. Because I’m holding my phone in one hand and dragging with my thumb, the drag down often ends up a bit more like an anticlockwise quarter circle gesture, and this frequently gets interpreted as a drag to the left, so I just end up in a different pot.

  • By this point I’ve pretty much forgotten what I was trying to do…

  • Unrelatedly, if you drag a slider down by accident you can put it back by dragging up, but if you drag the vertical pot nav down accidentally, when you go to drag it back up it just scrolls instead! I don’t think drag down makes sense for things that aren’t actually arriving in a downwards direction from somewhere that they can be returned to upwards.


What would be a better implementation of this though? A pot is part of your home feed (pot history and pot movements and all that) so where else would you put pots?

IMO having the two ways we have is quite unique - if you want a play by play of a specific pot - scroll over or if you want a holistic overall look you can click into your account page. I’m not sure how or where else you could put pots?

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I liked the email that we could send to our payroll office, I’ve just done that.

I didn’t like the fact that you had to swipe through all your pots to get to joint account. Perhaps swiping left could be to pots and right could be to joint account?

Can’t seem to find the ‘connect credit card’ feature on the new new design, is there something i am missing or can this only be found in the ‘help’ section by searching?

Go to your full list of pots and roll to the bottom.