We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

This issue was present in the old nav too. It’s been reported here:



The “spent today” figure on Android seems a bit wrong - I took out a 7k loan on this day but it seems to be showing as 7k spent that day - not indicating that it was a positive figure.

Thanks for sharing that. You’ve brought up an interesting conversation topic… we’re discussing it internally as I type this :wink:

Out of curiosity, do you mind if I ask you in what other apps or functions of the system do you find the haptic feedback useful? In other words, the reasons for which you wouldn’t turn it off at a system wide level?



There was a post further up about this, and it’s a visual bug. It’s basically saying you’ve spent –£7000 and not showing the negative sign - and of course shouldn’t show any value here.


Quickly dumping some bugs, sorry if they’ve already been reported in 3000+ posts.

  • Can’t pull down to refresh any more
  • Adding money to pot leaves me at a blank screen with just my name and account details at the top.
  • Tapping the icon should always being me back to my main Monzo account, instead of doing nothing if I’m already somewhere in that tab

So I’ve had to go through all my apps and see what I’ve allowed to stay on haptic and what I’ve turned off. Turns out I literally only use haptic feedback on soft navigation buttons (OP7Pro) and for apps where you swipe to dismiss (like Outlook for work to Archive a message etc.). Can’t stand haptic feedback on keyboards (even though I remember working in a Phone Shop when we got our first Sony Ericsson with haptic feedback and feeling like it was the best thing ever).

Having gone through that excercise and playing with it a bit since I posted my initial feedback. I think what’s jarring about the interaction is that the feedback comes as the card “lands” not the instant that I’ve interacted with the screen. Willing to give it a go the other way round and give my feedback on that too :slight_smile:.

Edit: Should have said I also tried turning the haptic feedback off phone-wide for half an hour and that felt similarly jarring - can’t explain that one.


Just to add a view from the other side, I really like haptic touch in apps :blush:
I’m on iOS :apple: though, and the Taptic Engine in iPhones is really good at subtle feedback, such as when you pull to refresh and it gives a subtle hiccup-like feedback (I cannot think of another way to describe the feedback :joy:).

I would love similar response from the Taptic Engine on iOS when swiping between cards on the Monzo app.

For older iPhones without the Taptic Engine, or Android phones (not sure if any android phones have a similar haptic engine to what Apple now uses?) with just a standard vibration motor I guess haptic feedback is not so refined and maybe not so welcome.


Loving this new animation :heart_eyes:

We’ve already updated the artwork for ‘Discover Monzo’ to make it look even friendlier :blush: but tapping Home will now save your thumbs a great deal of exercise :wink: (especially when you’ve got as many Pots as I do!)

Going from one end to the other is great and all… But my favourite use-case by far is going from a Pot in the middle of nowhere all the way back to the main card :grin:

Much better than swiping right and having to swipe left over and over :relieved:

Is everybody looking forward to a nice smart home button? :grin:


The more navigation that can be done from the lower half of the screen the better :grinning:


Why @nexusmaniac! ? You used to be the bringer-of-beta and now you’re the beta-parade-rainer-onner. I want the shiney shiney!

I seriousness, looks cool, could be a very quick way to switch accounts when there is reordering.


‘Kinell. They’re paying you well.


Not much has changed :innocent: Definitely don’t want to rain on any parades :cloud_with_rain::circus_tent:

Before I joined Monzo, I shared hidden / upcoming things by doing a lot of tinkering and tearing down - now I get to share upcoming things in a bigger, better way :blush: hopefully it has the same effect & exciting nature for everybody :sunglasses:

I’ve got very expensive taste :joy: (spoiler: it’s my staging account, no real money was harmed in the making of those GIFs :innocent: )


Have pot goal progress bars disappeared? Can’t see them anywhere on iOS.

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@nexusmaniac. What is the home button supposed to do on Android ?

All it does on mine is shrink the draw, pointless


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This is Android :blush: it’s just a version that’s in testing (i.e. not on the Play Store yet)


Ok thanks

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@Feathers :wave: Yes pointless !

Obviously it’s in development and the moment it’s not working as expected and has no ‘home’ point so at the moment, pointless as it only lowers the draw, but obviously the development guys are aware of this and it will have its function soon I’m sure :+1::grinning:

This may have been mentioned before but it would be great if the ‘long press to copy card number’ feature was brought back before the final version.

Otherwise great work and looking forward to that new home button.

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Is it just me, or has the ‘Discover Monzo’ card disappeared for all?

I had it earlier today after updating to 2.58.0, but now alas it is no longer visible.
