We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

Yeah, I’m at uni so budgeting is a big thing for me and I found it super helpful. So useful to know how ahead/behind budget I am to know when I can spend a little more or need to slow down a bit.


Possible bug / general oddness :grinning:

v2.54.1 #539
iOS 12.3.1

I’ve just made a payment into my 7th pot by Swiping through the ‘cards’ and using the ‘add’ button hidden below the ‘drawer’.

I’ve then swiped all the way back to my Monzo Card / current account, and the ‘Summary Bar’ has disappeared from the top of the transaction feed.

I can still press in the blank area and reach Summary :thinking:

Honestly, I’m not sure, but it’s definitely helped me out. If there’s no/very little green on the other side of that line, I really tighten up spending. And I always try and grow the green on the other side of the notch throughout the month to end the month with a surplus. Even if it’s not accurate, it’s helped me save more each month :blush:


Cannot agree enough with this but given how much JA’s get overlooked, I’m not hopeful the new nav will be good for people who primarily use JA. Swiping from CA to JA then tapping on that account to ‘expand’ the pots in it feels like a more intuitive way to do things.

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Amazing, thank you!! Done it now

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De nada

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Apols again if this replicates any points anyone else has made but want to help!

First of all, love the new look. Think it’s much better and simpler. Love that the pulse graph has gone, that wasn’t amazing. This is on Android by the way.

  1. When on the home screen, scrolling through cards while the stream of payments is up, where it says “current account” then “pot” etc - it’d be nice to know the pots name up there to know what bit I’m in.

  2. It doesn’t feel that easy to access joint accounts at the mo - maybe find a way to make that easier?

  3. I’m not sure the account number and sort code is the most eloquent solution - it might be worth looking at this too? Not quite sure where you could put that though?

  4. My natural instinct isn’t to click the summary box on home page and I wasn’t sure where it had gone.

  5. The summary amount left is wrong on my account too.


I miss being able to see my overall spending for a day. Luckily I can use the widget currently but I found this one of the best features as I kept on top of knowing how much I’d spent in a day.
I actually thought it would be good to have a total under each day.

I like the clean new look but am missing this feature immensely .

It will be back, to the right of daily transactions.

Going to throw my weight in behind the circle and notch as well. I get obsessive about checking where I am in comparison to it. I still don’t quite understand how the bar works, but I’ve not fully checked it out yet. Perhaps it will make more sense when it’s working properly, but either way, I’ll be gutted if the circle goes.

Also agree that Home should take you back to your main card (which you should be able to set as your joint/personal/business whatever card in settings).

Other feedback will mostly mirror what’s already been said above:

  • The push for loans and overdrafts are quite obnoxious and repeated far too often
  • The loss of a dedicated notification center is a shame, as seeing a timeline of notifications would be useful
  • A dark mode will be very welcomed

Good work though, I saw this when you first started and was really skeptical, but in practice it’s largely good changes.


So assuming the new card carousel is here to stay, something like this would be great to keep summary easily viewable at a glance:

The first spot on the card carousel would be the summary circle, swiping from the right to reveal the card.

The pots etc. would still behave as they do to the right of the card. The full summary page could be viewed from clicking on the circle.

Some said they don’t use summary much, so the home view could default to either the circle like above, or just to the card, giving users the option here would be good. If the summary circle is hidden, then the recent transactions could default to be slightly higher up on the screen as it does currently.

What are peoples thoughts on this? Seems like a good compromise to me but might not work in practice.

(Also I have changed the colour of the system notification bar to match Monzo’s new UI, it’s currently set to dark blue!)

  1. It doesn’t feel that easy to access joint accounts at the mo - maybe find a way to make that easier?

I’m not sure I understand this point. I have both Personal and Joint accounts and they are both shown in the carousel, so I can swipe to which card (therefore which account) I want to view and everything related to the account type is shown. In addition to this, if I swipe to my personal card and then tap on ‘Payments’, then I get straight to my Personal account payments. If I go back to home and swipe to my Joint Account card then tap on Payments, I get my Joint Account payments displayed. The same goes for settings too - it changes depending on the card you have in focus.

This is an amazingly well executed way to access multiple account types along with their dedicated settings from one place and I don’t want this to change!

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I’m not sure I am fan on the new look.
I completely get the idea of having less tabs but I personally feel like there are too many clicks and swipes to find information that you need.

I don’t feel like the accounts hiding behind the transactions are a clear way to display the accounts. They blur into one and do not allow for clear reflection on account balances.

I also miss the “spent today” aspect and think that is a key aspect of the Monzo app!

And I really like the summary page so please do not get rid! :blush:


Those with multiple accounts will have multiple summaries so handling that using your method could be challenging.


Plus that information is already shown with the bar under your balance :man_shrugging: No swiping/tapping and 90% less screen taken up.

P.S. The left to spend bar is currently bugged so this may be drawing confusion


True, but I find the circle is much easier to read than the bar. If the cards are going to take up that much screen space anyway, we may as well have the full circle.


I found it easier to click on summary, (less clicks) as this shows my personal account and my saving pots, which although i like to see how much are in them I feel its not needed, prefer the circle to the bar too… don’t like the way I have to click on my personal account to get the full details up. I also prefer the total amount and spent total in the corners in the current navigation setup. I actually like the look of Starling Banks breakdown screen with the balance at the top with the circle of what you’ve spent below it.

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Ah good point - I didn’t know this was a thing until you told me then - maybe I wasn’t paying attention but a subtle hint the first time you start it up, would be good. I like the solution now I look at it

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Loving the new look so far, just trying to get my head around it!

But please bring back the ‘money left over’ graph back! Was so useful to keep on top of my spending!

I never really took to the new design/s, so yesterday, after an amicable exchange with support as they tried to address bugs for me, I decided to pull out of the beta testing and return to the stable product.

In love with the app again. The niggles I thought it had then are insignificant now and I can use my app’s functions with ease.
