We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

Do you have any direct debits, scheduled payments, or recurring subscriptions? You can see them in your Scheduled section of the Payments tab.


Glad you liked it! :smiley: You know me… I love to share what I can :sunglasses:

This will be the first of many posts I’m gonna be making on the forum :blush: just been so busy recently haha!


A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m off to Monzo! :monzo:

Hey @Peter_G Thank you so so much for writing this comprehensive feedback! :hot_coral_heart: I’ll try to answer your questions.

A credit card is effectively tied to your Personal Account, but I agree that because it’s not shown with your Monzo card behind it it can seem odd. I’ll check with our designers to see what they think.

Regarding “jumping” from account to account without going through the Pots: we thought about the same thing. There were some discussions around using force touch on iOS, or when swiping faster. We don’t have a plan for it right now, it’s very much a power user thing and we need first to validate the concept, and safely ship to all customers :+1:

I feel the same!! :heart_eyes: When I switch to my iPhone I find myself trying to pull the card down but it’s not implemented there yet! Really love this interaction.

In all user testing we’ve done tapping the card was always the main interaction people try to do. The plan is to have it expand/collapse the drawer, to reveal your card actions.

It will come :+1:

This will probably be a thing in the future… a not so near future.

I see why this would be useful but it breaks the current pattern. If the card is not visible at all then you can’t swipe left and right. Perhaps this is okay if you don’t have many Pots, but we’re building the app for a future where Monzo is your financial control centre, your money hub, so you’ll over time probably add many other types of financial objects into your Monzo app!

For the problem you’re describing it would probably make more sense to have a smaller version of the Balance component show at the top of the screen when you fully expand your drawer. But we’re not looking at this now.

The fade transition is already there, but the app has to fetch content each time. We’ll add pre-fetching soon.

No solution here will please to everyone. It’s very subjective. But I appreciate the sentiment.

We got you covered no worries! Cool thing about this, it’s all backend driven! All the progress bars and related numbers can be tweaked from the backend on the fly for any type of object, both in the Home screen and the Accounts screen :raised_hands:

This is the main reason why Joint Accounts aren’t supported just yet. The entire app was designed for only one account being selected at a time, and switching account would “flip” the entire app into a new context. With all accounts in one single view this breaks things. The current solution we’re implementing is adding the name of your “selected” account at the top of the Payments tab, and there’s a contextual switch there that allows you to change it on the fly. This is synced with the card you see on the Home screen to keep things consistent.

Have you been lurking on our Slack? :joy: This idea has been discussed internally as a future possibility. I personally think it would be great for many users, and it solves a bunch of problems. But it’s tricky… direct debits currently can only be set in your Personal Account because Pots don’t have account numbers. Sure enough we can give Pots account numbers, or allow direct debits to be moved from your account to any Pot. It all adds complexity. I think the biggest reason not to do this is that it makes the new user experience more difficult: after signing up for Monzo do you have two accounts? One main account, and one secondary account? Do you get two cards? How confusing. And if your salary goes into your secondary account (ie the Bills account) so that you keep your main account as a spending/cash account then do you need to always move money there? If you forget to move money, do your card payments decline? Long story short I really like the idea, and I think it has potential. But it’s not something trivial to implement and there’s definitely lots of smaller improvements we can bring in the short term :ok_hand:


I thought you were a COp? Not that I’m complaining, bring on the sneak peaks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Everyone at Monzo makes Monzo, Monzo :hot_coral_heart:



That’s cool :blush: Just thought he might have changed roles into something more to do with the build of the app from how I interpreted it.

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I joined Monzo as a COp, so you never know :wink:


It’s needs to be done with his history on these forums :wink:

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Tiny improvement: when you enable the new navigation in Labs the feed item that’s created now points to an intro screen.


Agree. Feels like there is a compromise to make it smaller, tighter ti the card so takes up less space and is less prominent but still available for quick copy. Really appreciate the quick copy

Surely it’s possible to do both? There’s a lot of space on that screen!

Glad to hear this is on your radar. Personally I think now is a good time to not link them so strongly visually and do things like show transactions where you can (since you have some pots that are accounts anyway) as well as total in/out. It would set you up for later making them more accounts in their own right.

Thanks for engaging with all the feedback on the new design, it’s great to hear the thinking behind the decisions.


On the initial mock up images shared by @Bruno the feed looked much more condensed with less white space — is this still being considered for the new design? The account number and sort code positioning mean we’ve lost a little more screen space again.


@bruno - I love the new layout, my only constructive criticism is its awkward to go back to main account listing when looking at pots. I have found myself wanting to tap my Monzo card which appears behind the pot card to go back to main view. Feel this would make the navigation more fluid and intuitive.

Edit: Also I have just noticed, I enabled the merge payees a notification appears in feed to ‘tap to find out more’, yet tapping does nothing. I found an issue with this feature but will find the relevant thread for it


Hey @bruno - me again!

Thanks for all your feedback/answers - its great to be able to see what exact is in the scope for the project and what things you’ve got planned. I know that re-modelling the whole app WHILST letting people fiddle around and pull things out is a tricky one!

Not sure if just a bug with mine but my “Account” button on the home feed is just showing a blue silhouette and not my profile picture - but when I click in my profile picture is still there. Not sure if this is intention or the picture isn’t being pulled through properly (very very minor of course but thought I’d mention it! - on iOS).

Keep up the amazing work on this new look :+1:t2:

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I love it, I think it looks great!!

One small thing I would love though is a net spend for each day. Something that you can quickly glance at and now how you have spent that day. Is that possible to be worked on or is this kind of like the final draft and your just ironing out the kinks?

Yes, but there’s no rush in doing this


If you mean a total amount of money spent each day, then yes we’re adding it soon. If by net spend you mean total spent today minus committed spending on that day, then we’re not adding it now.


Perfect!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Not necessarily, I was thinking more like Food Shop spend, £100. Moved from Pot, £100. Ice-Cream purchased at £4.99. Net spend = £4.99. Showing what the total is after moving money in and out based on spends, pots etc.

But tbh, the total amount spent each day is still amazing.

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