We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

Two things from me. Note 9 / Android / 2.61.0

I’m finding the behaviour of the back button really inconsistent with the way Android generally works. IMO the app should only ever exit via the back button if you’re on the home/main account screen, however if you’ve swiped to a pot, instead of returning to the main account screen the app closes. Also if you’re viewing a pot and have the feed expanded, the back button will again close the app instead of returning to the previous state - in this case the pot with the feed lowered.

The other thing is historical account balance. A neat solution could be that tapping the ‘spent today’ figure switches the number to show your balance that day. A bit like how in some media players you can click the time played figure and it will switch to a time remaining figure. You’d need a little prompt initially to show users that it’s there.

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