If you’re in the scheduled payment screen and select new, it asks for bank details (very annoying) but if you go to payments, send money, then payee, it’ll give you the option to schedule underneath.
I think it’s weird.
If you’re in the scheduled payment screen and select new, it asks for bank details (very annoying) but if you go to payments, send money, then payee, it’ll give you the option to schedule underneath.
I think it’s weird.
I don’t have “send money” on my payments screen. I have “pay someone” or I can select a payee. Neither option shows schedule options when I click either of those
In the new payments flow, in scheduled payments if you press add new scheduled payment it takes you to the search and your favourites etc, so it’s not taking you to seeing up a new payee
Oh I can schedule a payment to a Monzo contact now when I go to ‘Pay Someone’, it used to only work with payees with a sort code and account number.
I’m on android, got a recent beta channel update if that helps?
I’m iOS latest TestFlight.
Ta da! It’s so much fun finding that every time you open the app something has changed and you don’t know when or why.
That was sarcasm but I’ve complained about the lack of this ‘feature’ previously so I’m fairly pleased.
No, but much cleverer cropping than me
Fingers crossed the feature is rolling out to more people (impossible to tell if those of us who can’t do this are a version in front or behind) as it’s currently pretty painful.
Although I’m now using it as an excuse not to send pocket money for the next week or two so maybe it’s blessing!
Thanks Chris - can I just check are you on iOS?
We’ve also heard this feedback regarding same names recently, so we’re going to look into it. Thanks for flagging!
Hmmm the pots thing is strange - @ConnorPB any ideas?
In terms of hiding phone contacts, sadly you can’t take them away unless you delete their number. If you need to stop any incoming payments/requests from them you are able to block them in the app though.
Ooh thanks for reporting this. Are you trying to pay an existing payee or someone new?
When you say other verified standard payees, are these payees that you’ve manually created? And are you using the new flow for these payees or still the older one?
Existing payee.
Essentially I cannot find any way to setup a recurring payment to an existing payee. Every flow seems to need me to input bank details from scratch to do it. iOS version
Android v5.63.0
The “all details match” only shows for monzo contacts not anyone with account and sort code, old or new.
Got it, do they bank with monzo, or elsewhere? I ask because if you’re on iOS and paying someone not on monzo, then it should work by:
Let me know if this isn’t the case
New payments flow only works on monzo accounts, no top right schedule though.
Payees on other banks show old style flow, scheduled at the bottom after entering the amount.