We just updated our roadmap! (Last update: 14/8/18)

Let’s not start the conversation again… :roll_eyes:

Where is Monzo Apple Pay? :upside_down_face:


I use a PIN for my Android lock screen. Will I have to change over to using a fingerprint lock, or would the Monzo app security be independent of this?

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More Pots functionality is one of the main things I’m looking forward to, along with market place and 3rd party integration for savings and investments

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Update! Following some clarification from our Payments team, we’ve added PayM support to the Roadmap. It’s presently under “Long Term” but once some high priority projects are complete from that team, we’ll be able to clarify if we can move that to “Medium Term” :+1:


This isn’t done. It is far from done if only 50 companies have been upgraded. I only have 2 direct debits set with Monzo and 50% of them have not been improved.


One of the coolest ideas I’ve seen (when I was deciding to invest) was TfL integration, for example “click for refund” if it can tell you haven’t touched out. Do you think we might see things like that in the next year? The other thing I’d like to see is the ability to upload an Oyster card number so that you can use Monzo NFC as your travelcard (not PAYG)


Totally hear you, Kevyn. It’s hard to say when this will be fully ‘implemented’ though, as Daniel says, it’s a mostly manual process for now until we implement merchant feedback.

So instead of drawing a line when we’ve improved 50/100/200/x Direct Debits, we’ve marked this as Done for now as the wheels are in motion for this to continue rolling out.

Sound good?


I get what you are saying, but then the definition of done is confusing. Maybe it would be better to class Phase 1 (MVP) as done as there is more to be completed in phase 2 (build in user feedback) or mark it as done when the feedback loop is implemented?

It’s the same as when payments was implemented. It was marked as done but I would have classed the implementation as a very bare MVP. So it would be good to know where on the roadmap the next iteration would be.

I think it is great you have an open roadmap. But it can also have an adverse effect in scenarios like the above. In the old world an item marked done generally meant it was unlikely to be touched again. So seeing an item as done when it is know to not be fully complete can raise the concern it will remain that way.

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We just moved Travel reports for Current Accounts to Done

Enjoy! :palm_tree:

Note: this is still iOS only. I’ve added a new card [Android] Travel Reports to Near Term.


That’s good to hear! Is this all functionally the same?

The change just involved updating our travel report system to support our new card processor. The reports are the same!

Another update!

Monzo.me is now available for everyone (including current account holders).

I’ve moved Monzo.me for current accounts to Done :tada:

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Pulse is now on Android!

So I’ve moved [Android] Pulse graph to Done

And I’ve added New categories for spending to Near Term. Check out our recent Sneak Peek for more info.

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What do they look like? Not been abroad with Monzo yet but interested to see :slight_smile:

Edit: Never mind found this :stuck_out_tongue: Travel reports

At least Travel Reports are useful and wanted unlike the Pulse graph!


only if you travel :slight_smile:


A couple of updates today!

  • Moved [Android] Merchant crowdsourcing feedback to Done. (Read all about it).

  • Added Joint Accounts/Pots to Long Term

  • Added 3D Secure to Medium Term



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We added Accounts for under 18s to Long Term, and [Android] Profile Picture Support to Near Term.


Any chance you could let us know where things have moved from? I know they’ve normally moved from the step before but on the odd occassion they haven’t!