Idea: Often Monzo doesn’t get enough information about your transactions. You can end up with, say, a list of odd stuff from the supermarket, and no idea what each is. Taking a photo of the receipt is too much effort (I’ve tried), and receipts are opaque anyways, as the line items are often obscure. So how about allowing a voice memo for a transaction, with some method to quickly annotate it (shortcut from app icon? shortcut from notification?). Additionally, running text-to-speech on that memo and storing the result in the notes field would be great. I think that such an addition could really help people get on top of what’s really within the somewhat opaque line-items in their feed.
Not a bad idea. I’m quite comfortable with taking photos of receipts whenever necessary, but I suppose it depends how much spare time people have in the day.
Interesting idea. I’m sure this could have uses for visually impaired people too.