Value Propositions


I would like to identify the value propostions of Monzo for my essay. Would anyone be so kind to help me by sharing some key things I could include.

More specifically…

What are some key pain relievers & gain creators Monzo offer to particular customer segments i.e. Millenials and Business Owners.

I would like to understand the uniqueness of what Monzo offers, and how it may give them a competitive advantage compared to traditional banks etc.

Thank you!

A value proposition for what? Also, research and getting other people do your essay for you are two different things.

I’m so confused about this post I actually don’t know where to start…

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Easy now fella,

Simply want to learn more about the value propostions of… you guessed it… Monzo!

I thought why not ask the community itself for some good insight rather than a google search.

It’s marketing bollocks. Had to do thousands of these at uni.

  • List all product benefits.
  • Describe benefits and what makes them valuable.
  • Highlight key customer issues.
  • Connect benefits and problems
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors as the key solver of this issue.

HubSpot is your friend.

[Image expands…]

Probably not the best of starts if you’re expecting people to help.

Perhaps you could elaborate on what you’ve done so far, what you’re struggling with and so on… :slight_smile:

Hopefully the forum gets a mention in your bibliography/reference list.

Dont think I’ll be including you… sorry mate!

Thanks Ive made a slight edit!

You’ve read all the blogs, right? Should answer your questions