Ive also just completed the migration process. I have some constructive feedback for you. My card arrived this morning (super quick postage). The packaging that the card arrives in is super sleek, no bullshit. I like it.
And then the process of registering your card is really straightforward I like it. However there are a few odd issues once the account has been updated. Just to name a few:
In the migration process I was asked to choose my pin (I selected the same as my current pre-paid pin), however having completed the update I have now received a text from monzo informing my of the pin I selected. The text states ‘You should change it at an ATM and then deleted this message’. Why would you allow users to pick their pin and then encourage them to change it as soon as it arrives? Personally I will be keeping the pin as I like it.
Secondly, the balance of my pre-paid has successfully transferred into my new current account. However the transaction is listed as ‘PBT: Prepaid transfer_0000’ . Its not a big deal but it just doesn’t look very sleek. It lacks to usual smooth clean monzo transaction title.
Then when I click on ‘known issues’ section listed below setting and community forum it displays information which is either incorrect or irrelevant to me. For example it states that ‘Why is the current account IOS only?’ This is not true as as I am an android user with a current account… I assume this is just old FAQ’s that have not been updated. Plus the top listed FAQ is ‘How do I get a monzo current account now?’ Why is this being displayed at the top as its clearly not relevant to me as I now have a current account.
Also I am still seeing the notification of ‘Push notifications and feed items may be delayed’. I thought that was an issues that was only affecting the pre-paid card. So surely that should have disappeared now that I have upgraded?
Lastly this may just be preference as a posed to an mistake. Ill mention it anyway as its just something that I noticed. There is a transaction called ‘Welcome to Monzo, Tap here to get started’ When I click it is shows me my account number and sort code. It informs me that if I need to find these details in future I can see them anytime via the ‘card screen’ I click on the ‘show me’ button. It correctly re-directs me to the ‘card screen’. However my account number and sort code are nowhere to be seen? I don’t know if that is just me being fussy but I would expect them to be displayed here? However I have to click on ‘top up’ for them to be displayed.
Anyway these are just my initial thoughts on the whole migration process. I understand that I am among the first 1000 Android users to go through the migration process so I get that its not going to be perfect right away. I just thought I would share my views. I know that the app will improve over the next few weeks and months as more users migrate over. I just want to help monzo get it right, and make it a perfectly polished migration process for most of their users.