I cant update my new phone number?
What happens when you try?
I take the sms with code I write the code and says something went wrong
Reach out to in-app support
I tried I send email to help@monzo.com I tried to call but the computer voice said to change the phone number go to the app I don’t know what is going on but I hope someone read the email
So you can’t get into the app because you got a new phone?
Can you login to the Monzo app?
I have aces on app on anything just can’t update phone number I have same phone
Have you reached out to in-app support
Type contact us in the search bar under the ? at the bottom.
Is it a UK mobile number?
My number is displayed in the format ‘+441234123456’
I would start by entering the new number in this format to see if that works.
Crazy idea - is English the selected language on your device? We’ve seen a few issues where it wasn’t and data input issues happened. If it isn’t, change the device language to English - launch the Monzo app - go to Settings/Personal details - tap on the Telephone number (under ‘Contact details’) then enter it in the ‘+441234123456’ format. If successful, exit the Monzo app and change your language to your preferred one.
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