I’d love to see them figures as well as satisfaction surveys on card quality and actual offerings after the cooling off period and once the fomo has worn off.
How many people’s ‘experience’ has been ruined on rushed out subpar cards churned out on the quick to drive revenue locking customers into a poorly executed program, coming up’s and back soons?
I bet you 95% would want a refund based on comments on here.
(Press ‘Help’ search ‘Contact us’ or email help@monzo.com or call 0800 802 1281)
Not me. I do know that if any bank forced me to have a metal card, I’d be too embarrassed to use it, because I know what I’d think of someone if I saw them using one.
I’m on the fence with this one - the plan is to wait to see what it looks like for decision #1 (like it or no) then wait for the initial reviews to hit the forum for decision #2 (good quality or sub-standard)
If both decisions return positives, I’m likely to jump off the fence on the metal card side. Let’s see.
I can’t really parse that sentence but seeing as you seem to be deliberately trying to keep this going I’ll be as clear as I can.
Every penny a business spends is a decision. No-one from Monzo said they weren’t spending on feature A just so they could spend money on fancy new cards, but it stands to reason that, because Monzo is a business, that they have limited resources and funds.
Given that they have limited resources and funds, I think in favour of producing yet another round of cards to pacify a small group of people, the business would be better placed to spend those resources and funds on something else. What else? I have no idea, I don’t run Monzo. Perhaps we aren’t getting new branding, or a new marketing campaign? I don’t know how Monzo works in detail but, like I say, they are a business, every penny spent is a choice.
Maybe given the transparency aspect is so prevalent, Monzo could publish a list of all the things they AREN’T working on right now and we can guess which one it was?
And then we can go back to the ‘how many customers’ versus ‘number of investors’ versus ‘number of people on this forum’ (and the subset who care enough to post to this thread) and…
Yes. I think they could spend their time and effort in other places of providing something that will replace something else that already works. Hot Coral cards are good marketing beyond that, whether it’s Plus or Investor or HEY I’M SPECIAL printed on the card, that is just for show and has very little benefit to Monzo but I’m sure it will stroke some egos.
I would imagine that mozo are well aware of their own bank balance and have factored it into their descion making.
The whole idea of plus and the individual aspects of it are designed not only to earn money from their existing customers but also to gain new customers who want a packaged bank account. Given that most people on here don’t all want the same thing I image it’s the same for the broader market, therefore different perks (including a metal card) will attract a different type of customer.
Who cares if you (not you specifically) don’t want or see the value in a metal card, you don’t have to buy it, but others will and that’s good for everyone including you. It puts money in monzo’s pockets and they can spend it on the features that you will make use of.
But all these decisions have different weights and factors to them - I’d make a reasonable assumption that, given we know Monzo are already working on improving card quality with their supplier, they are already having meetings, project streams, goals, KPI’s about the existing what… base card, 3x plus cards, investor cards, joint card - the addition of 3 more streams on top of that… Is a realtive low cost, easy opportunity decision to make.
Yes indeed everything is a choice, and clearly Monzo have decided that this small low effort choice is worth it to them
Ok so to cut a long response short. They really should spend it on something else but you don’t have any idea on what that something else should be. Uh huh, very good.
If I was given just one thing that Monzo should spend it on instead, then you never know I might just agree. As it is shakes head there is a load of nothing.
Please can you put the contactless logo back on the front of the card! I’m using the card in Italy where contactless is very widespread but Monzo isn’t well known, so retailers look at the card, don’t see the logo and so use the chip. It’s pointless having the contactless logo on the back, nobody looks there
If it is contactless why are you giving the card to them? They were fine in Spain and the Netherlands with me doing it myself. Is this some Italian curio?
Literally on the Stansted express back to London after travelling in Italy. No issues with monzo there, if anything I didn’t even get cash out for the trip. Just used the card and Apple Pay
Did you point out the card was contactless? Tbh, I’ve had experiences here in the UK where retailers have directed me to use Chip and Pin, only to find out after the terminal does take contactless (some weird ones have it on the side etc, not so obvious) but given how few and far between these are (much like going abroad), I think most would prefer the cleaner design.