Twitter Communities... and some personal news! šŸ’œ

I guess ā€œlong timeā€ is relative but we were told 4-6 months until deal is expected to close last night by Parag, our CEO.

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Did a little interview for a podcast. Talked about my journey, so thereā€™s some stuff in there about Monzo if anyone is interested!


So, ummmmmm

Should I ask a question? :upside_down_face:



Several cross my mind, but then he is not my prospective employer!

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Did you ask anything and what did you think, if you want to say?

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I did not. There had to have been over 150 questions submitted, of which he probably answered (directly) maybe 5 or 6. He spent a good 10 minutes on one question alone. I had already surmised this would likely be the case, so did not bother.

As for what I think? Iā€™m still trying to figure that out myself. Broadly, I think he has many ideas, some of which are probably quite good, but less of a cohesive vision of how to turn that into a product strategy. I also think he is somewhat of a whimsical character, so even if there were to be a strategy, it would likely change frequently.

ā€¦ and I think whoever is leaking our Slack channels to right wing figures, without even redacting names, ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


It would be ok to leak internal information to left wing figures? Not sure political leanings has anything to do with it.

Similar to many entrapreneurs to be honest (hi Tom). Elonā€™s problem IMO is that he has not surrounded himself with people who can turn ideas into strategy - he thinks his abilities have no limits, so probably surrounds himself with yes-men.

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Iā€™ll let Simon speak for himself, but I think thereā€™s a bit of a leap of logic here.

I read Simonā€™s comment to mean that leaking content to those what would weaponise it in a certain way is a bad thing. In this case it is right wing commentators (because thatā€™s what happened). That doesnā€™t mean that a leak to others wouldnā€™t also be bad.


Thatā€™s exactly what I meant - apologies if that wasnā€™t clear. There may well be leaks happening to left wing commentators as well, and I wouldnā€™t support that either particularly if the intent was to cause damage and it was directly or indirectly putting people at risk of harassment and abuse. Iā€™m not aware of that having happened.

But there are people deliberately looking to cause damage by leaking to the right, and the right are also soliciting such things using various quite deplorable tactics, such as catfishing staff into fake dates and filming the conversations.

Of course, I donā€™t intend to paint anyone with conservative leaning views with this brush. Itā€™s groups like PV giving conservatives a poor name.


Hey folks!

Thought you might be interested to check out this article which I was interviewed for about my work on Twitter Communities. Let me know your thoughts!