Trustpilot Reviews

That was also posted in the forum but was hidden by admins as apparently contained account number, user error at end of day, the same thing seems to happen regularly with Santander, I know of 2 customers scammed whilst watching this morning :joy:

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Not only that but they elude to being an international student (so not a UK resident) who knows that accounts are sold on the black market whereby people can bypass the restriction :thinking:

I always double and triple check bank transfers and avoid them where possible too. Sort codes are 6 digits and Monzos is a nice easy pattern, so I can’t see how you wouldn’t notice it was wrong on all the confirmation screens.

Perhaps Monzo could have done something more, especially since it was to another Monzo account but ultimately, it is their own fault :man_shrugging:

My guess is that Monzo want nothing to do with it because it all seems a little dodgy?

Minor point: international students learning, and therefore living, in the UK are UK residents while completing their education in the UK.

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Could be the other way round too.

Either way, it all seems a bit shady.

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When I read that I read it in this person’s voice


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Monzo has just hit 8.8/10 on Trust Pilot. 0.2 away from 9/10 which equals a full 5 star Trust Pilot rating. :tada::tada:

Looks like they may just sneak past Starling, too.


Well, don’t forget to post an honest review of Monzo here if you haven’t.

Monzo does have a lot less reviews than starling, monese and Atom, but the most customers, so it would be great to get more reviews

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:raised_hands: Counting the days! (shouldn’t be more than week or two…)

Thank you!


Just got 80% 5 star reviews

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Percentage of Excellent on trustpilot

Monzo. -. 80%
Starling -. 78%
Revolut. -. 76%
Metro. -. 56%
N26. -. 21%


Monzo just hit 8.9/10
(and overtook Starling in the ratings)

Needs 9/10 to be 5 Star on Trustpilot

Scroll up for link to the site


So close… :eyes:

(gentle nudge to leave a review if you haven’t done already)


Posted :crossed_fingers:

Done mine and forwarded the link to everyone I know who have used Monzo :+1:

Thought I’d already written a review but turns out I hadn’t :confused:

Sorted now though :+1:

I might update my old one. I know it won’t affect the score but it’s nice to update my thoughts :smiley:

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This guy claims to have written 3 reviews :confused:

Monzo’s TrustScore is currently 8.9, so close!

Yeah, I think only the most recent review per user counts. At least Raymond is keeping us in the loop though. Be nice to see the response from the Ombudsman and law enforcement. :man_shrugging:

