This person sure has had a lot of money has ‘stolen’ from banks
That’s a very nice reply from Monzo on that review though. I’d challenge anyone to get the wrong end of the stick after reading that.
It’s definitely a much better response from Monzo.
Here’s what Monzo said for those who don’t want to click the link:
Hi Mark, we’re afraid that we can’t give any more information about why we closed your account here on Trustpilot. We’re a regulated bank, which means we have to follow rules from the FCA around what we can say. But we don’t close accounts without a good reason, and we do everything we can to make sure that people aren’t left in a bad situation.
It’s the same response to everyone though
True. However since Monzo can’t legally say anything more detailed, it’s better to explain why they can’t explain further rather than just “sorry, feel free to contact us on Monzo Chat” and nothing more.
After seeing the below comment on Monzos latest Facebook post:
I had a look at the reviews on there and they don’t seem to get replied to. So as you would imagine there are the same types of sudden account closure messages followed by lots of “me too” comments. This is then bumping the 1 star reviews to the top and is the first thing people are seeing.
I was discussing this with my mother recently. The influence of reviews, I wonder if its a generational thing and people get freaked out by bad reviews and don’t want to take a risk
Finally Monzo have done something and started to collect verified reviews
How is this pushed to customers though as I have not seen anything?
So basically I used their in app chat service to ask for help. They have sorted my queries and then a pop up appeared asking me to leave a review on trustpilot. I left a review on trust pilot. It also says verified order if you do it via this method.
Did it ask you to make an account or give you the option to change your name as I wouldn’t want my full name going on there.
Ohhh , I can’t remember though. Sorry
I have my initials as my name on my TrustPilot account.
Well spotted!
After you have a chat with us in the app and rate your conversation, there’s a 50% chance (platform depending) that we’ll ask if you fancy leaving us a Trustpilot review. We think that’s fair and a good time to do it. We don’t filter out people who say they had a bad conversation - we’re confident in our service
The way we’ve built it means we ‘verify’ you ourselves, so you don’t have to sign up for a TP account. Although you will have to accept their terms and conditions. As you can see from other verified reviews, you can pick the name you want.
Seems like a great implementation and looks like it’s already had an effect on the TP score. It’s now ‘Great’.
A nice bonus is all the one star reviews, that concern account closures, do not have the Verified mark.
Great to see the pop-up only appears after rating a Monzo Chat conversation, not when you’re randomly using the app, and that you don’t filter out people based on that rating.
A few questions:
Do you only ask for reviews after the customer has had Monzo for a certain amount of time?
Have you considered doing similar with App Store/Google Play Store reviews?
While Monzo has a good rating, it’s rating is less than quite a few other banking apps and Monzo has a lot less reviews than other banking apps.
Can we opt out of this?
Opt out of what? It’s an optional thing to review Monzo at the end of a chat.
Sounds optional by default!
I don’t want to be asked at all, I don’t want to end a support chat and potentially be given a marketing type pop up. (If I want to leave a review I’ll do it on my own accord without prompting)
So the question I think is valid, will we have the option to opt out of this (and any other types of this in the future)?
You are already given a popup to rate the conversation in-app. This is just more of the same and very common across the customer services industry.
If you don’t want to be prompted for feedback you need to avoid any and all interactions with CS. The in-app method is less intrusive than the text type that you get 1-2 days after a call/chat from other places