(Andy Slater)
23 August 2019 06:09
I’d like to be able to go to a scheduled payment and trigger it without affecting the future iterations of the payment.
I have scheduled payments that allocate my money to various places on payday (25th) but this month, the 25th is a Sunday so i got paid today (23rd)
Now my money is all sitting in my main balance until Sunday when the transfers and payments happen
This would give the flexibility for payday scheduled transactions to fall in line with the variation of paydays due to weekends
(Nathan Steer)
23 August 2019 06:26
What I’d like is to be able to link the scheduled payments to a particular incoming transaction (such as salary), instead of a specific date. So when the specified transaction occurs, the scheduled payments are triggered immediately.
This feature has already been suggested. You can vote for it here:
So I was thinking, what could make the standing orders page even better…
And then it hit me! The ability to override the payment date without cancelling, without editing and without sending a bank transfer (because the SO would still go out ‘a few’ days later, etc.
To say that in a clearer way, a button which you can click in order to ‘pay now’ on an SO. At which point the SO gets paid and doesn’t pay again until the next scheduled date (not the upcoming one but the one after )
What I’d like is to be able to link the scheduled payments to a particular incoming transaction (such as salary), instead of a specific date. So when the specified transaction occurs, the scheduled payments are triggered immediately
This feature has already been suggested. You can vote for it here:
I’m suggesting the ability to send money being to destinations (pots and other accounts) based on salary incoming, rather than date. When money from a particular recipient comes in that is the trigger for it being sent.
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Great! I don’t want to stifle discussion, but I’ll close this thread so that folks interested in those ideas can vote in the threads that @awjdean helpfully linked to!