Trends - a big update to the Monzo experience

Visually looks lovely.

But I worry a bit that it’s baking in a month view… And I think I’d rather have a graph comparing months with each other (maybe a stacked barchart showing top categories?)…

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Hmmm, I’m not sure…

Think you might’ve been on to something here though?

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All I can do here is give you the eyes emoji…

So :eyes:


You know how I love it when you give me the eyes, Mr Cully.

:eyes: :hot_coral_heart:


Pulse? And then see it flatline a week before payday?

Sounds about right :frowning:

On a more serious note, I agree with Peter about looking month vs month, rather than weekly. I, along with a lot of people I’d imagine, spend more at the start of the month, so there will always be a bigger one and then smaller weeks, where the trends (see what I did there!) even out over a month.


I once had a dream that there was a line graph you could scrub across. Twas brillig.

(Imagine I’ve said something boring and profound here about it actually depending on what pot/account you’re looking at - spending accounts probably need Pulse, different things needed for e.g. connected credit cards).


Psst, there’s a typo. I’m saying this quietly so you can change it without anyone noticing


Deliberate, 'cause you get SO MUCH MORE, you get MORE MORE - it’s to save on the ink.


Tbh it could be how the youth talk these days. I wouldn’t know


You’ve nailed "tbh’, tbh. You’re more more down with them than you think! :eyes:


Looks great. Though when I first saw this

I got excited as I thought it was comparing the weeks with the same weeks of the previous pay cycle which would be neat. Especially since (as Revels pointed out), the first few weeks after pay tend to include significantly more spending (bills) than the rest of the month. Think I’ll have a go at creating something like that for my personal spreadsheets.

Looking forward to seeing how this pans out. The tease of a potential return of something similar to pulse is great news.

edit: Just adding on to this. If this view could be per category with options to view per month/week/day then we’re definitely on to something. Then you can view a bills pot spending comparison per month, a food shop spending per week, a lunch spend per day, etc to more accurately match the cycles of weekly shops and once per week take outs and petrol spend, etc. The more granular control the better :slight_smile:

I keep using the term cycles, but can’t think of a better term to describe the way that spending in different categories tends to repeat at different intervals.


Totally this! I’m not sure there’s much utility in that graph (pretty as it is).


You mean like this? :smiley:


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yeah, I’m currently achieving the same just the other way round (like pulse):

I just think weekly buckets of spending compared across pay cycles would be neat. Not sure how to tackle the issue of pay cycles having varying lengths and getting paid on different days of the week each time (e.g. last working day of the month). I’m sure these are probably the same challenges they’re facing at monzo. I did create a ‘days since pay day’ column, but I think its now broken.

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thank you, just changed it


On Tuesdays we speak in italics


Is this all done with Google Sheets? :frowning:

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Would be interesting to see different info in the graph if device held landscape vs portrait?

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Trends has just popped up for me. This could be the feature which gets me back to Monzo, if done right.

Sure is! And the template here includes it too

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