Trends - a big update to the Monzo experience

What does “done right” look like for you @j06? :thinking:

I sooooo need to get into Google Sheets. Those are some sexy lookin’ graphs that would be a big help :relaxed:


How does it work with bill splits on connected cards? Does it play nicely?

I’ve just started looking at Trends.

Am curious - how are people approaching use of “Finances”, “Transfers”, and “Savings” categories?

I guess approach may depend on whether or not you have connected accounts.

I don’t have connected accounts. In the past I’ve been using “Finances” when moving part of my monthly income to a savings or investment account and “Exclude from summary” if just shuffling money in and out of my account (money I don’t consider part of my monthly income).

I feel I will need to rethink things with Trends, as well as with introduction of new Savings category. Also has Transfers always been a category option or is that new?

Our use case with a :monzo: Joint Account with connected accounts:

“Finances” - a category where we generally lose money from the :monzo: joint account or any connected account. A loan or interest payment for example - a ‘loss’

“Transfers” - a category where we don’t lose money, but it’s then not in our main daily driver bank account (Monzo JA) because we’ve moved it to another (connected) account for any number of reasons which then are categorised properly within that account - using both :monzo: connected accounts and YNAB
It is likely to then be debited from that connected account, which is in fact another type of ‘loss’

“Savings” - also a category where we don’t lose money, but it isn’t available to spend and it isn’t spent from another account either - a ‘non-loss’


I have the opposite - these new categories are available on my sole account but not my joint account. I’d really like them in my joint account though - does anyone know how I can do this please?

It is not possible on a joint account right now sadly

If you didn’t have external accounts connected to Monzo via Plus/Premium do you think you would categorise these transfers as “Finances” so they get incorporated in your overall Monzo spend?

Yes, we would use “Finances” instead of “Transfers” - as the transaction would have funds leaving the Monzo account for a specific reason.

If we didn’t have connected accounts, I don’t think “Transfers” would be used at all.


I think I will be using transfers when I use Monzo account as a conduit for moving existing money (saved in prior months) between places.


  • money from savings account A to savings account B, via Monzo account.

  • money from a savings account and then paying for an item using that money (although could potentially also use income and a spend category)

I previously used “exclude from summary” for these types of transactions.

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I’ve noticed a bug on trends regarding the auto categorisation when on holiday. I’ve just come
Back from a holiday and opted to have all of my spending categorised as holiday, but on trends my holiday spending was much lower than expected.
When I tap on transactions, they appeared to be set to holiday however when tapping to change they were actually still other categories and only counted towards holiday after being selected again manually. Is this the expected behaviour? On the surface all these transactions seemed to have been set as holiday but they weren’t.

Good holiday then?

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Phahah - yes it was great !

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Sorry about this! This is a bug we’re aware of: trips don’t play nicely with Trends & Summary right now. We started looking into it this week :+1:


I’m seeing lots of discrepancies when using a Shared Tab with my partner. I’m on Plus, she isn’t, I’ll put some Groceries in a Shared Tab, and her payment always comes back as General. If she puts Grocery items into the tab, my payment to her always goes back as Groceries. Then looking at the Trends view, it’s even weirder, I can see payments showing under General, open to see it says General, tap to change the Category and it’s actually showing as Groceries.

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Trends graphs incoming in 3… 2…


Source: Android app version 4.6.0


Interesting that the reference in the new strings is to Summary. I wonder if Trends and Summary are more similar behind the scenes than they appear?

    <string name="summary_graph_month_content_description">Bar graph of weekly spending %s</string>

    <string name="summary_overlay_top_categories_content_description">Top categories %s</string>
    <string name="summary_overlay_transfers_content_description">Transferred in: %1$s, Transferred out: %2$s</string>

    <string name="summary_reference_average_content_description">Average %s</string>

(Credit to a certain Hot Coral Analyst)


I can’t comment on any of the speculation above…

But I can tell you that, in the code, Trends is called summary, and Summary is called spending_breakdown. It seems we’re doomed to have the “internal” name for each product match the previous product, for maximum confusion.


This should now be fixed: if you’ve used the Trip Reports feature to set a bunch of transactions as (for example) “Holidays”, they should now show as “Holidays” everywhere. :+1:


Is there any sign of hiding a category from your spending categories? Or more likely has it been added and I’ve missed it?

I put 75% of my shopping on my Amex for the Cashback and then pay it off in full every month and I’ve created a custom category called credit card so that I can see how much that is historically. The individual spending on my Amex shows up in my trends as does the Credit Card payment which means my trends are an overstatement every month.