Trends - a big update to the Monzo experience



Monzo USA Banking Licence Confirmed!

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I hope you’re right - in 2021!

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Business account sign-up, without the need for a Personal account?
Virtual card payments from pots?
New Staff testing mode? (I might have some fun with this one…)


Is this…

A) a way to test new staff on the app?
B) a new way for staff to test the app?
C) both of the above
D) something else

Poll for @Dan5 only:

  • :eyes:
  • :scotland:
  • Anne Boden
0 voters
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Send a letter, to get the honey, make a potion and then you have a new account.

You need to make these tougher.

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Pay from pots is currently in staff testing.


I pay all my direct debits from pots!


Thanks @Dan5. Lots of new information being shared here today. Exciting times. :no_smoking: :satellite: :camping:

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Not to ruin the fun… :stuck_out_tongue:

To clarify: we’ve shipped Trends to all Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium customers. If you sign up, you should get access after a few minutes. (Check Labs if not.)

We’re also testing Trends with a small number of customers who don’t have either. I’m afraid I don’t know yet when we’ll roll it out further.

As @Peter_G hints at, there’s a balance to be struck between letting everyone see progress, and waiting until we’re happy that a feature does what we want it to!


I don’t think your poll works! An imposter voted!

Gimme pls.


Pleeeeeeease can I join?

I’m just process of moving all my direct debits and payments through Monzo so something more informative around my spending would be perfect.

Is there any idea when TSB will be available on this also?

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Just realised I’ve got trends on my account, I don’t subscribe to plus or premium.

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Test tubes are often found in labs.

Heh! Same here :eyes:

How do you go about this? :sweat_smile: need