Travelling to Bulgaria


I’m travelling to Bulgaria in a few weeks, and was planning on taking my Monzo card with me! I’ve been reading that there’s issues out there using the card abroad. Are the issues with the Monzo card still an issue in Bulgaria?

Are you talking about these issues?

If so, the last update was 3 days ago suggesting there are still problems. I’d recommend taking another fintech card (Starling, Monese, Revolut or TransferWise) and a debit card from a high street bank – it looks like Monzo doesn’t have a handle on fixing these “problems” soon.

General advice – it’s always good to travel with a credit card which you can use to return to the UK in an emergency, where you can sort out stuff if you need to.


Yes that was the issues I was referring too! Thank you, guess I’ll just have to take another bank card with me then

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I’ve updated my post since yours. Also, welcome to the community.

Thank you :slight_smile: !

I have a Starling account so I can take that, and I’ll take my high street bank card along too


Why not suggest taking a zero fees credit card?

Don’t think I’ve heard of a zero fees credit card before! May check it out! What company (or companies) offer this?

Clarity has been highly recommended as a travel credit card for years and years.

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That’s good to know, I’ll check it out! Thank you :smiley:

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