Currently in Bulgaria and card is rejected in restaurants. The £200 limit on cash withdrawals is going to cause a problem
Do you know if it’s a general card acceptance thing or a Monzo thing?
It probably won’t help now, but Starling do unlimited overseas withdrawals without fees.
have a word with in app chat they might be able to up the limit a bit, though not sure if this statement is relevant to ATM fees
maybe to do with mag strip enabling ??? try turning it on in the app ???
There’s no limit, there’s just a small fee after the £200.
(Well, to be precise there is a limit, but it’s significantly higher than that!)
There was one issue with a major EF-POS provider. They updated their software/firmware to resolve the issue, but if merchants have not downloaded or installed the update they will still be having issues.
I frequent Bulgaria about 5/6 times a year. I knew that Kaufland has issues accepting both Starling and Monzo. With Starling always declining and Monzo depending on the store. Cash withdrawals work all the time. I tend to use the Monzo card a lot more abroad anyway.
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