Transfers to the Current Account

I’ve just asked about this in the developer’s Slack so in case anyone’s wondering @liamn’s let me know that:

  • [Monzo’s] BIC is MONZGB21 but it’s not connected sadly (as we’re not yet a member of SWIFT) - which means it would only be used for verification purposes only - you can’t use to receive payments sadly, if the sender of a payment asks for your account number and sort code (and they’re in the UK), they shouldn’t need it to make a payment though.

  • You shouldn’t need a BIC for CHAPS (we made a test payment and weren’t asked for one).

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all enjoying your current accounts. I certainly am. I was wondering if any of you here could shed some light on the topic of IBAN & BIC numbers in regard to the Monzo current account. I am trying to link my current account up to a crypto-exchange and they need these details. I can imagine these details might pertain to lots of other things too. Does anybody know if an IBAN or BIC number exist for the current account yet? Or if they will in the future?

Thank you kindly! :grimacing:

Now wouldn’t it be nice if Monzo built some integration with Coinbase…!


A post was merged into an existing topic: SEPA Payments / Transfers

Hey Monzonians!! Any idea of where to find/what is our IBAN and BIC for the new Monzo beta current a/c?

there isn’t one…yet

There is a BIC but it is not yet Connected as I recall from one of chats with the Support. Its MONZGB21 as I recall (Got it from Sneak Peeks SS BTW). :smiley:

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