Trading 212 (T212)

T212 about the be the world’s first trading platform to launch 24/5 trading for fractional shares…


On the debit card, the bit comparing charges on overseas use is interesting. Going by that Monzo charge 0.75% Vs 0.15% for the T212 card.


got a promo email about this card, it’s an interesting development but also a bit odd - who is keeping uninvested cash in the account? :confused:

It pays 5% and doesn’t count towards ISA as it’s in the GIA so it’s not a bad shout. Put your monthly spends in, use T212 card, earn a bit of profit on top. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Anyone heard anything further about the card?

Almost into our final week of March and no sign of it.

No, still saying I’m on the waitlist. I suspect they were a bit optimistic about getting them out in March.

Invites being sent out “end of March” according to a tweet I saw.


I checked several days ago. Tucked away in the far reaches of their ‘forum’ (and which I can’t now find again to link to), there was a brief comment that invitation emails will start to go out by the end of March.

My reading of that is that the majority of invitations will not go out until after the end of March.

So, it could be a while yet

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Same info as the tweet I saw so I’d say end of March earliest, any time this week really.

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Yes, but aren’t we already ‘invited’ if we’re already on the waitlist? Is the waitlist just us waiting for an invite to apply? Thought I’d already done that??

You joined a waitlist which is a list of people who want to apply/order the debit card, once it’s your turn you will get an invite to apply/order the debit card…

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So a waitlist for a waitlist :person_shrugging: And here’s me thinking that it would pop through the letterbox this week.

It’s not a waitlist for a waitlist. You joined a waitlist, once its’s your turn to order the card you move from the waitlist to the “you can now order your card” list.


is that confirmed or are they doing something similar to eToro where you have a money account that has the card and then this account can be used to fund your investment accounts wether that be GIA or ISA

Sounds cool, just a shame it’s T212. They suck.

In what way?

Yeah CFDs are something you really need to know what you are doing or seen as gambling. I don’t fully understand them but the banner warnings of ‘76% of people lose money’ were enough to make me decide I would just avoid them

Least with 212 the CFD account seems to be separate thing to the GIA and ISA, unlike eToro where the GIA and ability to buy CFDs are one thing.

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Has anyone received an ‘invitation to apply’ email yet?

I was reasonably quick in getting off the mark and getting my name on the waitlist, but haven’t heard anything yet.

Given that the end of March is only a couple of days away and none of those is a working day, I would have expected the email roll-out to have begun.

Nope nothing, I signed the list pretty much as soon as they posted the tweet as well.

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