Does anyone know the ins and outs of topping up with a non uk bank debit card? I’ve opened an Australian bank account and have a debit card but I’d much rather use my Monzo to budget etc
You shouldn’t have any trouble topping up, we support top ups using overseas debit cards. The only thing to bear in mind is there may be extra charges from your Australian bank, incurred for making a ‘non-AUD’ transaction.
General advice is to run your account in whatever currency your income is in as this avoids exchange risk.
If your expenditure is in sterling then by all means use Monzo but funding Monzo in A$ and spending with Monzo in A$ means you’ll always be paying the spread between buy and sell rates plus the fees and charges from your Australian bank.
Fine for the experience of using Monzo but don’t expect to get an Aussie value for each A you pay to Monzo even if Monzo doesn’t charge you a fee for overseas transactions.
Monzo is designed for UK customers who are paid in sterling who travel. Not Australians who want to avoid foreign transaction fees.
That makes sense. Thanks for your detailed response
Naji, I can’t seem to top up using my Indian debit card recently. Any help would be much appreciated - Unable to top up using Indian debit card?
I used to be able to top up using this card.
@SimonB has responded to this in the other thread you created so it will hopefully be sorted soon.
You could create an account with Transferwise. Then you get an Australian bank account number, and a UK account and can transfer the money between them.