I have been a Monzo customer since the beginning and I love the app. I used it as my main bank account on a daily basis. There are so many good things about Monzo, but there are a couple of things that don’t really work that well for me.
The main thing is the spending summary. I have now moved all of my regular payments over to a bills pot, which generally works ok, but not all regular payments can be instructed to go from the bills pot, so I am also using IFTTT commands. So that sort of works, but it’s not brilliant.
So the summary thing does not really work that well, it’s good for estimated spend etc, but you have to keep manually adjusting it, and so it can be very flakey.
It would be nice to have a clean simple pot that all your regular payments (Subscriptions, DD’s Standing Orders etc) come out of so you can clearly see what you have left. Alternatively, move all your free money to a pot, and allocate the card to that pot so when you use the card money comes from the free money pot.
I am sure that doesn’t make much sense, but you get the idea.