This week in the Monzo Office Slack: hablamos español, and getting into the festive spirit

It’s that time of the week again: highlights from the Office Slack!

At Monzo, recognition and gratitude is a big part of our company culture. In fact, we have a #gratitude channel in Slack! This week, Maya from COps expressed her awe and appreciation for fellow COp Isaac, who very suavely and seamlessly answered a call in Spanish for a customer in need :sunglasses:


And as the year draws to a close, Monzonauts both human and canine got into the festive spirit.

@Rika shared a cute side-by-side of snaps from this year’s Christmas party and last:


And Bingo debuted a delightful Christmas get-up :christmas_tree:


Have a good weekend, everyone!


Me encanta este tipo de cosas!

(Which Google translate tells me is i love this type of thing!)