This can't be normal Monzo practise? This has to be a glitch?

Hello Monzo mates!

I’m reaching out today to discuss a concerning issue I’ve been experiencing with Monzo’s communication systems and my loan repayments. To keep a long and stressful saga brief, I suspect there’s a severe glitch in my Monzo app and potentially email? , causing my messages not to reach the company correctly.

For weeks, I’ve been struggling to receive any response from them despite my numerous attempts to make contact. I’ve been trying to establish a repayment plan for my loan, and it took almost a month of daily calls, emails, and in-app chat messages before I got any reply.

Finally, someone did get back to me, promising to call again to finalise the necessary documents. However, the promised call never came. Despite my persistent efforts, I couldn’t reach anyone the following day, and Monsoon ended up defaulting my loan.

In response to this unfortunate situation, a complaint was lodged, and I was informed that it would be looked into within eight weeks. However, this timeframe has come and gone with no communication or resolution from Monsoon. I’ve tried escalating the issue multiple times and was even promised that managers would be in touch, but nothing has happened.

They’ve since apologised for the default on my loan and promised to reverse it, but I’m yet to see any evidence of this rectification. I’m still waiting for feedback on the investigation into these issues, but it seems nothing has changed as the original problem persists.

I’m reaching out to this community for advice or guidance on how to navigate this situation. Any insights or recommendations would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you, you lovely lot!

In app chat is always the best and preferred way to contact Monzo.

Failing that, the Ombudsman is your next course of action.

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Hey There :wave:

I’m sorry to hear about what has happened here but I’m glad to see we have stated we’d reverse the default for you due to the errors we’ve identified. On this basis credit file amendments can take 6-8 weeks to show up on your report this is due to the fact we report towards the end of the month and then some leway for the CRA to make those changes. (Unsure if they do it immediately or have a pile to work through).

For your complaint I’m really sorry to see that we’ve not sent you our final response by the day we told you we would, ideally you should have receive notification of this via email or chat stating that we couldn’t meet the deadline.

Alternatively you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge regardless of whether or not you didn’t receive this message. I’m sorry to hear what’s gone on and we’ll issue your final response as soon as possible. :heart:

Feel free to reach out to my DMs if you have any other concers, sorry again.

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If the 8 weeks has come and gone, go over Monzo to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Clearly Monzo isn’t being fair and will lose its case. Keep trying with Monzo, but push for a resolution via the FOS.

I’d start the FOS process now, as it can take several weeks. This is the page to start your complaint to the FOS.

No glitch. Just bad support.


Thank you for all the advice provided so far.

Despite weeks of attempting to get in touch, I received no response until I finally secured a call-back from a manager. During our conversation, she informed me that my complaint, which had been lodged back in May—four months ago—had not yet been reviewed. She assured me she would escalate the issue to the complaints team and promised to update me later that day. Unfortunately, that update never came.

The following day, I did receive a call from a representative of the complaints team. He indicated that he would be delivering a “final response” within a couple of hours. It became clear that my complaint was just now being addressed for the first time. Despite the complexities involved, the representative seemed to allocate only a few hours to investigate and draft a response.

He also mentioned that he would review my reaction to their final response on the chat and would follow up with a call if needed. The eventual response, however, failed to address the main issue: my loan has defaulted through no fault of my own. I was offered a mere £200 in compensation with no resolution to the ongoing problem.

I have been trying to make payments toward this loan via the bank’s app, but the default status prevents me from doing so. This brings me to the reason I’m posting here today: I have been waiting for two days now for a response in the chat, asking for help and expressing my willingness to pay off the loan. There has been zero communication from their end. Is it normal to experience such wait times at the moment?

Based on what you’ve said, if these timescales are accurate Monzo are well and truly out of time and know this, meaning they have no choice but to issue you with a final response.

Time to go to the financial ombudsman. If you ask in chat they’ll just say they can log a complaint but this won’t fix anything.

Good luck in getting a resolution.

I would definitely take it to the ombudsman, 4 months is way out of whack and you don’t have a resolution yet.