The Monzo Current Account Preview comes to Android!

Neither. I thought that there was no stress on the full, and that there’d be be early access overall. Again, not that it matters much

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To be honest I thought exactly the same as you did. Ah well what can ya do?

A quick question about the invites, i just received one :grinning:. However there are only 2 options for attending with one being sold out, so only option i have is Thursday 17th…

Being from Belfast it’s not that easy to get over on the dates so close, but as luck would have it i will be in London on Friday 18th…Any chance of being able to schedule a visit to Monzo HQ for us testers travelling a bit further than your average Monzo user? :crossed_fingers:

If the answer’s no then I have good news for you anyway :smiley:

Click the :arrow_down_small: to see the tweets embedded in this post.


Ah many thanks for the info, missed those tweets, i shall hold off for the Monzo events outside of London, though i’d imagine the odds of you guys coming to Northern Ireland/Belfast might be a bit slim lol.

I did hear there maybe some testers required for the current account card dispatch system, shall keep my :crossed_fingers: for an invite to that.


I just received an invite and it’s actually on my day off! I hardly see my wife though as we both work full time and I’m mostly nights…

London isn’t that bad to get to from where I live (just above Southampton) but I just can’t justify missing an evening together to go to London to open a bank account. No matter how much I want to be part of it. - If only there were daytime events.

I’m hoping some of the future events will be on the South Coast!

I would hold off for a month or so :slight_smile:


Don’t tease me like that lol…i’ve waited this long on the Current Account, sure i can survive a while longer :slight_smile: