Two weeks down and here’s how the voting is looking - thanks to all the 262 of you who’ve voted!
Current rankings:
1st: Monzo Credit Card! (Previous position: 1st)
Yes, still topping the poll is a Monzo credit card!
Note to self - must start a thread exploring just how that’d work! [Edit: I’ve finally done it! It’s over here!]
2nd: Pay from a pot rather than the main account (Previous position: 2nd)
Looks like the positions ar becoming a bit sticky… Also stuck in position is paying from a pot! With Bills Pots and this one, it looks like folk really want to segregate their money into different buckets!
3rd: Dark Mode! (Previous position: 3rd)
And completing our totally sticky top three is dark mode!
Rounding out our top five is cheque imaging (on 32% against dark mode on 33% - it’s wafer thin between them!) and custom categories and Use Income as a Trigger tying for fifth on 30% apiece.
With the top two on 44% and 41% each, they seem unlikely to be caught. Dark Mode and Cheque Imaging might well shuffle a bit (on 33% and 32% each). And lower down the table there’s a bunch around late twenties, so potential for change there, too. Exciting!
Anyway, onto the Big Battle…
… Battle of the Pays!
These are (nearly) at the bottom of the table, so I can actually count the votes!
FitBit Pay remains in the lead with 14 votes to Samsung Pay’s 12 - or 5% to 4%! The only options below them are Merchant/Category Block and Something Else!
Until next time