The Incorrect Merchant Data Wiki

So there’s a lot of chat over in the Merchant Data Corrections topic about specific data that isn’t quite right (or, in some cases, is frankly wrong)!

Here’s an experiment: let’s crowdsource a list of incorrect data that Monzo can use if any staff take pity on us.

And here’s how we’ll do it:

  1. Add a new line to the table. Copying and pasting the line above is a useful place to start
  2. Under Transaction Type say whether this is a card payment or a direct debit.
  3. Under What’s Wrong type Name if the merchant name is wrong, Logo if the logo is wrong or Group if it’s not in the right group (or is incorrectly part of a wrong group). Or use a combination of all three for those :person_facepalming: cases.
  4. Under Name in the Feed put down the name as it appears in Monzo right now. Take this from either the feed or the name at the top of the transaction screen.
  5. Add in the Raw Data. This is the text right at the bottom of the transaction screen. It’ll look something like MCDONALD'S LONDON GBR. Android users won’t have this if it’s a direct debit, so leave it blank. (Parity klaxon)
  6. Here’s where it gets fun. Under Correct Name go wild and tell us what it should be. Whack in an n/a if it’s already okay.
  7. And add a link for where we can find the Correct Logo. Of course, liberally type ‘n/a’ if all is fine.
  8. Correct Group is a bit more tricky. If it’s not in the right group, put in the name of how the right merchant group displays in Monzo.
  9. Tell us whether it’s a problem with your Monzo or Connected Account.
  10. Now use this column to explain the issue the way you wish you could when submitting merchant data corrections.
  11. When something is fixed, just whack a “Yes” in here. Or, even better, move it to the post below to free this up.

:rotating_light: Important point! If you disagree with a request, just whack “DISAGREE” in the fixed column, rather than changing the line. Add your own alternative as a separate line and use the thread below to discuss what the right approach should be.

Let’s give this a bit of a go to see a) whether folk want to add to this, and b) whether the Monzo gods will smile on us or whether this will become their statue of Ozymandias.

What’s Wrong (Name/Logo/Group) Transaction Type Name in the Feed Raw Data Correct Name Correct Logo Correct Group Monzo or Connected Account? Explanation Fixed?
Name, Group and Logo Card Prêt à Manger CRV*PRET A MANGER London GBR Pret a Manger Pret A Manger Both Pret transactions with a CRV* prefix have the wrong logo and funky accents. They aren’t in the same group as normal Pret transactions
Logo Card Ocado Ocado 0345 656 1234 GBR Ocado Ocado Monzo Purchase transactions don’t have the Ocado logo (refunds seem to be fine)
Name, Group and Logo Card TFL CRV*TFL TRAVEL CH\VICT London GBR Transport for London Transport for London Monzo TfL transactions with a CRV* prefix show as TFL rather than “Transport for London” and are in a different group.
Name and Group Card TfL Travel Charge TfL Travel Charge GBR Transport for London Transport for London Monzo Should be part of the “Transport for London” group.
Name, Group and Logo Card Oyster Web Adhoc CRV*OYSTER WEB ADHOC London GBR Transport for London Transport for London Monzo Should be part of the “Transport for London” group.


Here’s our log of success. Feel free to offer a shout out under the h/t (hat tip) column if you know who fixed your issue!

What’s Wrong (Name/Logo/Group) Transaction Type Name in the Feed Raw Data Correct Name Correct Logo Correct Group Monzo or Connected Account? Explanation Fixed? H/T

And let’s keep any contested changes here. That’s the ones where there’s disagreement from the community about what to do. We can discuss those below to try and reach some unanimity!

What’s Wrong (Name/Logo/Group) Transaction Type Name in the Feed Raw Data Correct Name Correct Logo Correct Group Monzo or Connected Account? Explanation Fixed?

Good idea Peter! I’ve had a go above :smiley:


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