✅ Support for Samsung Pay

Fossil Sport runs WearOS on the new Snapdragon 3100 chip. I may sell my LG Watch Style and get one of these to replace it.

I do think there’s a good chance we’ll see a Pixel Watch in 2019 though.

As for Samsung Pay… We haven’t committed to it at this stage, but support for other NFC payment methods in general (Samsung, Fitbit, Garmin) is certainly something we’ll evaluate in the future.
Interestingly there seemed to be more demand for Fitbit Pay in the recent poll, but all data will be looked at.

Our original development plan for NFC that led to us building out Apple Pay and Google Pay was solely based around people being able to use their phones to pay for things. The fact that the implementations also work on Apple and Google watches was just a bonus.

So, other smartwatch platforms like Tizen, or people wanting to use another NFC payment system out of personal preference weren’t things we were able to account for at that time.