Summary tab in "Scheduled Payments"

Hey Monzo Community,

This is my first time posting but a long time Monzo user. I was thinking that it would add to the user experience within the “Scheduled” tab where the direct debits are if there was a little summary at the bottom that gave the estimated committed spend for that particular month.

I’m not sure about other users, but I like to know a quick rough figure of how much is going out each month, instead of having to grab a calculator to add up the total amount of my direct debits, which gets a little frustrating at times.

I’ve mocked up a design in Figma to see what you think.

Any thoughts or questions?


It does this already for you in Summary.

Click on the pie chart at the top and scroll down, should be under commited spending iirc.


I guess in the two years I’ve had Monzo, I’ve never noticed that pie chart or even clicked on it to use it! :sweat_smile:

I just thought it would have been easier to have it as a quick glance in the “Scheduled” tab — a quick overview if you like.