Starling Discussion & Feedback

It’s commonly in reply to Facebook comments to be fair, so can’t really point you to those comments as I’m not trawling through Facebook, not like I can just pull up a webpage on those ones :rofl:

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I’m glad to see Starling doing well. Over the last few months they’ve really impressed me, enough to switch from Monzo.

Their apps / services seem to be in constant development. They generally offer most table stakes services for free. And their plans to grow revenue look sensible and not based on

  • paywalling features
  • banking on their fans / users wanting to support them.

I agree entirely it was down to Monzo , I said so on here at the time of the remedies funding , and was agreed by a Monzo staff member that they had taken their eye of the ball with the development of Business accounts and the timing of application to the RBS funding

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Yes, there’s a shadowy cabal of flaggers on Monzo, informally called the Frequent Flaggers. They have a secret group where they can identify posts to flag for no reason whatsoever. You mustn’t anger them, lest you suffer a Flag Frenzy.

*adjusts tin-foil hat :tophat: *


I agree that this happens, but it’s counterproductive in my view. I know that whenever I scroll through a long thread of unread posts, the one post I’ll definitely stop to read is the one which has been flagged.


Flagging is an issue, which is all too common here unfortunately. However, it can be adjusted by the administrators and given the ongoing issues from this, it appears Monzo is happy with the way it’s working.

Let’s avoid getting meta again, please.

If you want to discuss the alleged…

… then by all means start a separate thread. Or message @cookywook or @AlanDoe. Using this thread is ultimately counterproductive.

Now, what were we saying about Starling?

That it’s a better bank than Monzo, I think.



Look at amex, their cards are aimed at people who pay in full each month in order to earn cashback or points. The higher interchange fees most likely help to pay for both of these.
The 56 days free credit also is better than a overdraft with no free credit at all for someone who needs to get out of a hole.

Not really the case anymore, Amex has been moving away from charge cards and into credit cards for years, as well as introducing “pay later” features to their charge cards.

While I guess Amex probably makes a profit on its UK interchange (and other fees) I don’t think it’s anything outrageous. It’s a highly competitive market and when merchants are (in theory) paying 0.3% for accepting MasterCard they won’t be interested in paying 3% for Amex.

The co-branded Amex cards (I.e. BA, Nectar) are also subject to the EU interchange caps so it’s only for their own cards that they in theory can charge whatever they want.

I seem to be a victim of this with many of my posts. I did go to post in the other topic as suggested …but found that one to have been closed.

Anyway, I suspect this one will be flagged out of existence but I was really here to talk about Starling.

I can confirm that SOs leave on the exact day you specify, regardless of weekends/public holidays. DDs are paid on the next working day.


I think @desu is referring to the way people typically use AmEx credit cards (ie as reward-paying charge cards), rather than actual charge cards. Their rewards are pointless if you incur even occasional interest charges - I like to know its there for an emergency, but I’ve never paid them a penny in interest. Though even at AmEx rates this would be cheap compared to most overdrafts these days.

Which gives me an opportunity to steer this back to Starling… I knew it was time to ditch my old world bank, and with an open mind tried both Monzo and Starling. I ended up with the latter for my main bank. The reason for me was simple - overdrafts. As someone who occasionally dips/dipped into theirs, Monzo’s 50p a day charge would have been simply crazy for me.

I just can’t understand this Monzo vs Starling rivalry though - each will be a better proposition to some people. Both are exactly what the banking/finance world needs and there is space for them both. Rather than hoping one ‘beats’ the other, we should be hoping that the old world banks are the ones ‘beaten’.

To paraphrase a great man - “We need to let go of the notion that for $bank[0] to win, $bank[1] has to lose” (assign values “Monzo” and “Starling” to $bank[n] as you personally feel is appropriate - I’m not getting into which bank is which 90’s tech giant for fear of getting flagged :slight_smile: ).


I have a Nationwide credit card too; however, I wonder if a Starling credit card would give instant notifications on spend?

It it plans to offer a CC and you get those sorts of notifications with section 75 protection I would sign up quickly!


I would assume that would be included. It’s part of the feature set for current accounts (like Monzo) so I would think it’ll be exactly the same for CC.

Do Euro accounts also have that?

Where do you guys check for starling credit card ? I can’t find it on the app

They don’t offer a credit card

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Case in point:

I know it’s not the majority but you wouldn’t see people lining up out of other banks to give money away. Partly the reason why I prefer using Starling over Monzo - the feature set is basically on par but it feels more like a bank.


While I agree with you about the need for Monzo to ‘professionalise’ for want of a better word

Yes, I can because for many years NatWest had one and this predated fintech etc.

It ultimately meet the same fate as Starling’s (i.e it was closed) though it did survive things like:


I’m sure this is covered somewhere in this chat but what is the present situation with “pots” in Starling? The killer feature for me with Monzo is separation of funds and being able to pay bills etc from pots, as this has saved me needing multiple accounts. Can starling do that?

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