Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Trek is full of trippy time travel, it’s literally all through it.

I don’t recall any. I guess it depends on what you consider “trippy”.

I can’t say I’ve ever felt like I was hallucinating whilst watching a time travel scene in Trek.

Is this a competition to see who can ruin a fun thread with borish, pedantic behaviour?

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I guess in this sense it’s more a case of non-literal “trippy” as in far fetched beyond what you would consider normal for Star Trek. Off the top of my head I would say the episode of Voyager where they find those people being held hostage by the AI that was keeping them alive is trippy. It’s a very lynchian style of episode.

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Don’t be so reductive. If someone misunderstands something and invites clarification, provide it.

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The name of the episode I’m thinking of is The Thaw.

I think this a perfect example for a “trippy” Star Trek Episode

I recall that episode. It was alright but not great. I preferred the story arc episodes.

If we are using “Trippy” in that context, I suppose it might be.

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True, that’s not in the time travel context. More speaking to general “trippiness” in Trek.

Also not sure why I weighed in, I wasn’t even part of the Trippy story arc in this thread :joy: I blame the red wine I had while playing Space marine 2 with my mate this evening :joy:

It’s not a phrase I’ve ever heard to describe something out of the ordinary.

Sadly, some people are far too sensitive and quick to overreact with primitive responses.

Hope you enjoyed the wine. I’ve not yet played the game but I’m planning to. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s really good. I heartily recommend it. It’s good fun played co-op too, which I really enjoy.

Some folks use trippy as a catch all term for “out of the ordinary”. My first car for example had a really bright garish interior that I would have called “trippy”. Although it is a phrase I hear a lot less often these days.

Anyhoo, I need to unplug and go to bed. Otherwise I might sleep through my alarm tomorrow :smile:!

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That’s probably a good thing. It just doesn’t sound right to me.

To quote Avasarala… fu…. Actually, best not. I don’t think she had any lines in the show that wouldn’t be flag-worthy on here :wink:


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Watched The Expanse with a friend at his house, definitely an excellent show in my opinion.

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I wanted to rewatch it but got put off with the ads in it now. I hate it when a service you pay for puts ads into it…

Do you watch Lower Decks? For me, that has also been a cool new take on Star Trek. Although I think that’s also moved to Paramount+ too. I’d keep an eye out, but usually Black Friday they have a great deal on Paramount+ subs. Last 2 years I’ve renewed at £40 for the year during Black Friday.

To bad, I watched it on Netflix and yes, I have watched Lower Decks definitely a good series to watch, I’ll have to keep an eye out and eventually pay for it possibly to watch Trek again.