I am thinking of going full Monzo.Before I decide I have a small query.
I get paid weekly on a friday via Bacs.t present with LLoylds my rent etc are paid out via standing order on the same day.
Would Monzo do the same or do you have to have cleared funds in the monzo account the day before for standing orders to go through
excuse my ignorance and thanks in advance
If it’s definitely BACS you could claim the money at 4pm on Thursday and then it would definitely be there for payments
thankyou Mr Rat for youre quick responce.
I’m sure that incoming BACS is before direct debits or standing orders. But not sure enough to say it with 100% confidence
I pay my rent by standing order on the same day I get paid each month, and the BACS wages always come in before the standing order goes out .
Salary via BACS gets paid in at 1am, standing orders are after at 2/3am.
Bear in mind that standing orders imported into Monzo via CASS May continue to not to be processed on non working days.
Obv not a fan of Blackadder Ms Rat.
I always think it is a good idea to have 3 days separating incoming pay and outgoing bills in case of surprise Hank holidays, payroll cock-up, etc. The good thing about Monzo is that you can use bills pots and salary sorter to take the money out as soon as you are paid to avoid accidentally spending it by thinking you have more than you do.
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